Meetings Week of May 23-27

Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee, agenda. This is from 4-6 p.m.
This agenda reflects issues that have been brought up before so I think it is an on-going discussion about previously discussed issues. These include Student Rights & Responsibilities, Families and Education levy, anti-harassment policy and procedure (students), high school graduation requirements policy, and high school grad and credit marking policy.

Parent Engagement for the 21st Century: A CPPS Event
Tuesday, May 24 6:30-8:30pm
Lincoln High School Library
4400 Interlake Avenue North
Join us as we bring together parents, community members, and our education leaders to explore new possibilities for parent engagement. You’ll learn about our Parent Leadership Training and opportunities for you to make a difference in our schools.
Dr. Susan Enfield - Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools - and her Regional Executive Directors will be our special guests. You won’t want to miss this!
RSVP to: or 206-604-4408

Any other events this week you would like to let others know about?


Charlie Mas said…
The motions before the C & I Committee have little or no community engagement done. Will they be referred to the Board for a vote without it?

Never stopped Director Martin-Morris before.

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