District Looking for Volunteers for Special Education Council

Seattle Public Schools is seeking unpaid volunteers from our ethnically, linguistically and culturally
diverse communities to serve on the Special Education Advisory & Advocacy Council (SEAAC),
for terms of one year. 

This Advisory Committee will:

- Represent parent, staff, and community agency perspectives across the education system and community on behalf of students with a wide range of abilities on Special Education issues,
- Provide Seattle Public Schools with perspectives on special education programs including current operation and management, policies, proposed changes, future plans, and goals. 
- Present its recommendations and opinions in a report on an annual basis, and more often as requested, to the Executive Director of Special Education.

The committee will meet once every month.  An orientation session will be held for newly appointed members.   District staff will schedule and facilitate the meetings.
The council will include up to 30 members appointed by the Superintendent or her designee.  A minimum of two-thirds of the members will be parents of children with disabilities currently enrolled in a Special Education Program in Seattle public Schools.   SPS students, families, community members, staff, non- District community based organizations and representatives of higher learning institutions are encouraged to apply.  

Interested individuals should submit background information and reasons for their interest via email to specialed@seattleschools.org  no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January 18.  Nominations will be reviewed between January 30 and February 6.  The nomination form is attached, and you
can read the full charge of the committee here. The term of office will be one calendar year (August 1 – July 31) and begin August of 2012.

Thank you to SeattleSped for this info.


SeattleSped said…
Thanks for getting the word out Melissa!

WV: SPS SpEd sometimes makes my minespin
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Hannah Watson said…
Special Education Advisory & Advocacy Council took a great decision about education. This is so beneficial and helpful for students. Students must learn about new skills and strategies like thesis writing, blogging, how to make a Wikipedia page, and much more.

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