Fact-Checking on the Charter Initiative

I didn't say this in either of my threads on not signing the charter school petitions or about the pro campaign.

Any statements I make about what is and isn't in initiative 1240 are based on my reading of the initiative.  Two other parents read it thoroughly as well (I won't name them because I didn't ask yet) and we cross-referenced our reading.

Anything I say, I am happy to back up with a citation of page and section from the initiative.  Just ask.

I am confident in my reading of the initiative but if someone sees something I missed or perhaps have wrong, speak up.  But again, I worked with other people to make sure of my understanding of this incredibly dangerous initiative.

There in no link to the initiative at the pro-side's website.  They are not going to fully explain everything in the initiative.  They are not going to name citations from the initiative to back up what they are saying are "facts". 

You are only going to see that here.  You should ask yourself why that would be.

No matter what side you come down on the charter debate,  the important thing to consider is what is in OUR proposed law. 


Jan said…
Bravo, Melissa! It is hard, I think, to craft really good legislation by initiative (usually works best for getting RID of something -- rather than putting a whole new system/bureaucracy in place.

This one appears to be even worse than usual, probably because it was a rush job and (my suspicion only) driven by ed policy folks high enough up that they are clueless (and really don't give a damn anyway) about how the thing works at the "boots on ground" level, or how adversely it affects existing schools or the ability of school boards to run local education in their districts (in fact, maybe they think the more chaos and harm, the better).
Michael H said…
"...incredibly dangerous initiative". Dangerous?? Dangerous to whom or to what? You really should tone-down the
Sorry, but I stand by that statement.

I consider introducing privatization and use of public funds to maintain private buildings and charters taking over public schools by petition - well, dangerous.
Also, understand that if you are a SPS parent, you take a couple of schools (and their buildings) off-line and watch the enrollment plan shift. Watch the boundaries change. Watch the levy dollars - operations and capital - go down.

That's just SPS. Now imagine that throughout the state.
Anonymous said…
This short summary by Diane Ravitch
Also, read her post on Louisiana and Washington State this week.

Public School Parent
Anonymous said…
Ken Schram weighs in against Charter schools.


Anonymous said…
Ken Schram weighs in against Charter schools.



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