Agendas for Upcoming Ctm Meetings/Work Sessions

 Executive Committee agenda for Wednesday.  Hey, all of you waiting for next year's school calendar - they will be discussing that.  (I note that other districts have theirs published already.)

Audit& Finance agenda for Thursday.  I see there is a "resolution" about moving leases and rental revenue to the General Fund.  Well, okay but ONLY if it goes to building maintenance.  Those are really capital dollars and should go to capital needs.  But I'll bet they won't. 

Work Session presentation on Boundaries. 

  • I'm quite surprised but they indicate that the "initial focus" for boundary changes will be elementary and middle schools.  High schools to come later.
  • Community engagement will be "Let's Talk!" meetings in June and August.  Which is really great because there's nothing going on during the summer that would preclude parents from attending.  (You might want to keep track of what is going on here at the blog so you can at least write in your concerns/observations on what you want to see or what is being presented at the meetings.  That is, unless Charlie and I are also on vacation.)
  • "Community Meetings/FACMAC" in September.  No idea what this means.  Why would the community meet with the FACMAC Committee, a committee that tried to keep the public at arm's length?
  • October 16th would be the introduction of the new boundaries with action on November 20th (these are tentative).
  • There seems to be a big push on walk zones so students can walk to school.  
The Work Session on the Green Resolution has now been reworked to include Budget.  So the budget part starts at 5 p.m. and, at some point, will then be the Work Session on Green Resolution.
Green Presentation
Capital Budget Presentation.
General Fund Budget Presentation. 

The Green Resolution?  It's 10 resolutions in one and 29 pages.  I am all for green practices but does the district have time for all this?

It appears that the General Fund Budget is still in the hole about $22M.   And hey, looks like Title One isn't paying for all the IA's for Concord and Beacon Hill International Schools and the district needs to pay in $400k.  Great, the district creates programs it can't pay for.

Capital on page 6, which is planned spending for fiscal year 2014, has $4M for "staff and administration."  That's one year?

Seismic at Lowell?  Over $3M.  The seismic at Franklin and JA is less than $2M each.

Our "Academic Warehouse?"  Over $700k.

Reopening Fairmount Park?  $10.5M

Lunchroom at Green Lake?  $4M

Still paying off the JSCEE - there is still nearly $50M and paying off $2.1M in 2014.

Magically, World School is back to its original $14M - how did that happen? 

All I can say on Capital is that I know there is NO way this is the kind of spending that happens in other districts.  I don't get it.


Just Saying said…
Why wouldn't the district have time to support the Green Resolution? The water bill alone just went up $200K.

Please write to he board and urge them to support the Green Resolution. WE need to assure our buildings are energy efficient. It is fiscally responsible and the right thing to do.

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