Advanced Learning Work Session, Part One

The Board work session on Wednesday had three components; a discussion about distribution services (very straightforward stuff), a 15-minute update on "Interrelated Initiatives for 2016-2107" and Advanced Learning.

 The brief discussion of Interrelated Initiatives had one handout that broke the work into two sections; Key Annual Activities and Key 16-17 Activities, each with a date of when "action" needed to done. 

Under Key Annual Activities there was:
- Levy Resolution (my notes don't reflect discussion on this so I'll have to ask) - 11/16
- Boundaries 11/16
- Transportation Service Standards  12/7
- 17-18 Calendar  1/18 (And that's the way it was stated but I believe they mean "1/18/17")
- Student Assignment Plan 1/18
- 17-18 SMART goals 7/5
- Budget 8/2017

Under Key 16-17 Activities there was:
- Joint Use Agreement   11/16
- Policy 2415 (24 Credits)  12/7
- Transportation Vendor Contract 1/18
- Cascadia  1/18
- SEA CBA (re: 20-min collaboration) Info only to Board 2/15
- Other CBAs (re: 20-min collaboration) Info only to Board 215
- Additional 24-credit decisions  3/1

Deputy Superintendent Steve Nielsen said he was worried about all that work.  "This is where we are."  Nielsen said Flip Herndon, from his Facilities viewpoint, was also worried.  Nielsen suggested they may need more work sessions on this work.

Director Harris said she was "terrified" about where the next high school will be and how those pathways are connect to the work on this document.  She asked, "What are we doing with the HCC cohort at Cascadia and how are we changing the overall program?"  She said there were a lot of "great people" offering input and that constituents were unhappy that FACMAC wasn't being able to address the issue and that this work was not being done in a holistic fashion.

Nielsen conceded that high school was not on the list because it is "short-term future." 

Michael Tolley said that they would begin the conversation on high schools in January and that they had learned a lesson from the prior year of trying to "do it all at once and people get confused and think we are trying to manipulate the situation."  He said the issues on Cascadia are related to the SAP and that work would start in the next couple of weeks. 

Harris said that "If we stack it up that way, we may move kids around a lot."

Director Blanford asked about immersion program pathways and Tolley said that the International Schools Taskforce was helping to "inform decisions around pathways."

On this issue I believe it is folly to do some things that overlap and have multiple issues in a piecemeal fashion.  If staff does not believe - as former deputy superintendent Charles Wright did - that they cannot wrap their arms around the entire spectrum of issues, then maybe it is time to bring in a consultant.  Because I don't have a lot of faith in working in silos when everything is connected and there are ripple effects to any decisions made.

Advanced Learning

You may recall that last week there was a Board work session about the role of executive directors and I called it an epic fail.  Well, as compared to what the work session on Advanced Learning was on Wednesday, I was mistaken.  The Advanced Learning work session was truly the epic fail.

Let me set the stage for those of you who have never attended a work session.  Normally, it's the department heads of whatever area is being discussed along with the full Board and the Superintendent, maybe a couple of people in senior management.  Only at the budget work sessions to you see entire upper-level management and yet, for this work session for a program, they all turned out. 

As I previously reported, an external facilitator was brought in.  When I asked why this was, one person said "well, it might be a cage match."  (Spoiler alert; it was not.  I certainly didn't want a cage match but I think the Board may have be more willing to throw a few elbows.)  While the facilitator did her job, she also was not able to guide the discussion in any direction (she said this) and I don't think it was money well-spent without that ability.

As well, there are normally just a few audience members but at least 20 people showed up.  I believe they were teachers and they had signs (but never held them up.)  The only sign I could read was "Prioritize Equity."

I can easily sum up the work session by saying that nothing got done.  There was certainly a lot of talk but not on real issues, not on future steps, not on the work of either AL taskforce. 

As someone who has covered this issue, watched this issue and this issue is the reason I became an active parent in this district, it was deeply disappointing.


Anonymous said…
"- Cascadia 1/18" What does this mean? Does "1/18" refer to January 2018?

I believe that is month/date for 2017 because these are items to be worked on in 2016-2017. Yes, it would have been helpful for staff to use a complete date.

Anonymous said…
There is a regular School Board meeting scheduled for 1/18/2017. I'm guessing that anything assignment-related has to be decided by that meeting (prior to open enrollment).

-North-end Mom
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Any mention of plan for HCC middle school assignment decisions? Is this "1/18 student assignment plan"? Many parents feel they need to consider HCC middle program placement along with boundary vote in Nov. Some have also expressed same concern to board members recently. Many families in the north end have no idea where our child will be attending HCC middle next year as it was not covered at the boundary meetings.
As they are intending to move only a "small cohort" of HCC over to Eaglestaff & there is not enough room for all at HIMS or JAMS...
NW HCC parent
hypocrisy said…
More equity BS, but how is it "equitable" that the International program task force gets to weigh-in on their pathways, but no other subset of students gets that luxury?
Charlie Mas said…
What is the racial breakdown of students in the language immersion program? Are African-American students proportionately represented? What about students with disabilities?

Was this viewed through an equity lens? Was the racial equity tool applied to it?
Anonymous said…
Re: language immersion vs least HCC takes everyone who qualifies. My understanding is language immersion school picked based on zip code then lottery.

Tax Me
Anonymous said…
Yes!! Why is the "international schools task force" looking at pathways but NOBODY is looking at capacity planning or pathways with HCC in the equation?!!!! This is insane. The AL policy, neighborhood boundary plan, Cascadia split/no split and HCC middle school pathways are all related and somewhat dependent on each other. It is not manipulative to look at the big picture and treat the beast like a system, rather than silos.

Total Chaos
Anonymous said…
Superintendent Procedures for Equitable Access to Programs and Services:

The 3 services that are mandated are ELL, SPED and Highly Capable.

Anonymous said…
@letsclarify...thanks for that. Still makes zero sense pathways and capacity are not discussed/planned for HCC as a component of neighborhood boundary proposals.

Total Chaos
Anonymous said…
Just found this document on linked schools, which lists programs associated with the above mentioned mandated services:

Anonymous said…
I believe Blanford's daughter is in the Language Immersion program at Beacon Hill. There's your answer.

PW, Blanford's daughter has moved on to middle school.

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