NAACP Voted YES to Approve Moratorium on Charter Schools

Despite enormous ed-reform and political pressure, the Board of Directors of the NAACP stood strong and supported the delegates' resolution for a moratorium on charters.  You can read the press release issued by the NAACP here.  It says:
We are calling for a moratorium on the expansion of the charter schools at least until such time as:

(1) Charter schools are subject to the same transparency and accountability standards as public schools

(2) Public funds are not diverted to charter schools at the expense of the public school system

(3) Charter schools cease expelling students that public schools have a duty to educate and

(4) Cease to perpetuate de facto segregation of the highest performing children from those whose aspirations may be high but whose talents are not yet as obvious.
Thank you to the courage of the national NAACP and King County NAACP (which took this stand first.) 

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