Tick Tock; Where's the Board Meeting Agenda with Growth Boundaries Amendments?
Update: here's the agenda. There are nine amendments including one to postpone (that one from Director Harris and I think she's right.)
end of update
I do believe that the "end of the day" means 5 pm especially since the JSCEE closes at more like
4:30 pm.
I suspect the amendments are what is holding up the agenda.
I'll update when I can.
end of update
I do believe that the "end of the day" means 5 pm especially since the JSCEE closes at more like
4:30 pm.
I suspect the amendments are what is holding up the agenda.
I'll update when I can.
with about 9 amendments, including one to postpone
It's wonderful that the amendments seem prepared to stop the nonsense at Cedar Park and the craziness of geosplitting all of these students.
But what about Whitman?
- KT
I appreciate the time the Board directors put into listening to their communities and formulating these amendments. It is not an easy task.
-North-end Mom
-North-end Mom
"implement grandfathering for current 6th and 7th graders living in area 126 to allow those students to finish middle school at Hamilton Middle School."
Does anyone know why 6th and 7th graders in area 126 are requesting (& possibly being granted) grandfathering at HIMS? I know it is a small area so likely not many students being grandfathered. However, kids have to move from HIMS for 8th grade under current plan. Why are some and not others being grandfathered?
-a NW parent
When you look at this document it appears that virtually no one is moving from Hamilton. What's missing here though is HCC, since that's related to pathways and not boundaries. Although not official, the documents I've seen state that HCC students who live in Eagle Staff and Whitman area (and currently go to Hamilton) will move to Eagle Staff next year.
-Green Lake Parent
The proposed pathways for HCC for Eaglestaff include Eaglestaff & Whitman are in a Friday memo, but not voted. That's 350-400 kids. However, they won't all fit if proposed elementary schools also feed in as well. So that area needs to be figured out. It is not a done deal. In addition, last I heard if current plans are implemented, Whitman is left too under enrolled while HIMS too over enrolled.
-a NW parent
Due to the large number of kids left out of boundary meeting discussions (HCC program) do people think this also includes HCC pathways, as well as middle school pathways?
However, there is very little in the amendments about the equally large problems with grandfathering and geo-splitting at middle school. I hope there are more amendments to be revealed on Monday.
-North-end Mom
5A makes Cedar Park an option school and 6A will then roll back all of the boundary changes. 5B makes Cedar Park an attendance area school and therefore the boundary changes moves forward and then 6B grandfathers students in the boundary change areas.
Concerned Hamilton and Cascadia parent
-Green Lake Parent
Board Special Meeting: Work Session - District Scorecard/Operations Data Dashboard; Executive Session: Evaluation of a Public Employee, Wednesday, November 09, 4:30-7:30pm, Auditorium, Stanford Center
Board Special Meeting: Executive Session: Evaluate the performance of a public employee, Tuesday, November 15, 5:00-7:00pm, Board Conference Room (this is a closed session, per RCW 42.30)
Board Special Meeting: Executive Session: Evaluate the performance of a public employee, Monday, November 21, 5:00-6:00pm, Board Conference Room (this is a closed session, per RCW 42.30)
Board Special Meeting: Executive Session: Evaluate the Performance of Public Employee, Wednesday, November 30, 4:30-7:30pm. Board Conference Room, Stanford Center (this is a closed session, per RCW 42.30)
-North-end Mom
And staff, in the end, always gets their way because of "gotta get this done." Did the staff have all the appendices that were promised in the BAR when it first came out? They did not. Have the transportation issues been clearly explained for fiscal outcomes? Nope.
It would seem the Board doesn't have all the information before the group that they might need to make good decisions. So they'll just do "something" in order to get the ball rolling. History has shown this not to be a good course of action for SPS.
Reader 47, that's a good question and now that you line them all up, it might not be just for the Superintendent.
*To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee
*To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee - (with some caveats re salary etc)
*To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency.
I was under the impression that, if they don't pass an amended plan for 2017-18 (either staff's recommendations for amendments or the staff recommendations plus various Board amendments), then the plan reverts back to what was previously-approved by the School Board in 2013 (Cedar Park opens as an attendance area school, and north-end boundaries redrawn). With no clear implementation specified for the 2013-approved Growth Boundaries Plan, this would be at SPS staff's discretion, and it could very well be geo-splits for all.
So, I might be wrong, but I think the Board has to either go with the motion to delay, OR vote in an amended plan. A no vote doesn't scrap the boundary changes, as they will go forward since they were approved by the Board in 2013.
-North-end Mom