Class Size Count for Washington Kids

Class size matters so let them know YOUR child's class size(s).  Do it today.

As it says at the Class Size Counts webpage; Washington State's class size is ranked 47th out of 50 states. 


Anonymous said…
Our school: fifth grade has either 30 or 31 kids in each class. We are in the north. There are rampant compliance problems in the north meeting the WACs for PE and art. Please refer to the staff presentation to the Board in April 2013 for the first part of the equitable access framework. The north suffers from disproportionality in this regard.

A friend is moving to a 'poor state'. We looked it up: her kids' future school has 20 kids on average in the school per class, that district class size average is 20, and that's state's average is 20 for K5. Wow.

And that is a poor Southern state.

-31 & drowning

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