Seattle Schools This Week

Monday, Oct. 7th
Community Meeting with Director McLaren from 6-7:45 p.m. at the Delridge Library.

Wednesday, Oct. 9th
Executive Committee Meeting from 8:30-10 am.  AgendaA basic agenda with one note: Board Procedure 1620.  This is around the relationship between the Superintendent and Board.  It's notable because it has been tweaked several times in the last couple of years and I have to wonder what is the issue this time.

Work Session on Transportation Standards from 4-5 p.m.  Agenda.

Work Session on Budget Guiding Principles from 5- 6:30 pm.  Agenda (not linking because there is zero information).

Thursday, Oct. 10th 
Audit&Finance Committee mtg.  No agenda yet available.

Friday, Oct. 11th
BEX Oversight Committee Meeting from 8:30 am-10:30 am.  No agenda available but could be interesting because of the capacity management problems.

No school for professional development.

Saturday, Oct. 12th
Community Meeting with Director Carr at Bethany Community Church from 8:30am-10:30am


wallyMom said…
Melissa, totally off topic. But I saw something interesting in the wallyhood blog. BF Day's capacity is 700, yet boundaries are shrinking, and their enrollment will fall to under 300. Why aren't the extra seats being used? Is it all sped?
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