Family Outreach

There is an upcoming event in the district called "Inaugural Family & Community Engagement and RtI* Symposium". From the district's website:

"Would YOU like to know how to better assist your child at home with Math and Reading?
Would YOU like to know what SPS is going to implement to support your child?
Save the Date—Saturday,May 16th
You and your family are cordially invited to the Inaugural Family & Community Engagement and RtI* Symposium
For our Seattle Public Schools’ Families and their Communities
Where: Stanford Center (JSCEE), 2445 3rd Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
When: Saturday, May 16, 2009
8:30 – 2:30
♦ Keynote Speaker and Breakout Session Presenter:
Dr. Steven Constantino, Nationally renowned Family & Community Engagement Expert and
founder of Family Friendly Schools
♦ Specialists from UW in the *Response to Intervention Model (RtI): “Linking Academic
Progress with Behavioral Health”
♦ Workshops on how to support your student with Math and Literacy, and Resources for families!
Light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided!"

This sounds interesting but I'm not sure who it is aimed at. SPS parents in general? There was not a number posted that you could call in case you just wanted to attend part of this (I'm thinking the Family Engagement department) and wanted to know what is happening when. But I do appreciate the effort and the different aspects of the day.

"Currently, the PAC (School Family Partnerships Advisory Committee to the Superintendent) is looking to recruit more members. If you have a child in the Seattle Public Schools, and would like more information about the PAC, please contact the OFCP Advisors OR download and complete the application form from the link below:Bernardo Ruiz – (206) 252-0693 ("


Dorothy Neville said…
This just seems weird. A mix of policy wonks, research and actual workshops --- what's the focus?

Why do I get the feeling they are expecting almost no one to show up. Then they can say: see, we hold these family outreach things and no one comes!

Is anyone planning to attend? I think it might be fun and it's free food and lots of knitting time. But I don't have a way to get there, will have to see about the bus schedules or find a ride.
anonymous said…
Great effort, I guess. Relevant, meaningful community engagement, however, doesn't happen that often. If it did the district would have heard the thousands of parents who were against the adoption of the Discovering Series. How about that engagement?

"would you like to better assist your child at home with math"? Give me a break, puuuuuulease.

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