As I previously posted, yesterday's meetings got started late. I had been there for 3 hours and they still had not gotten to the meat of the Work Session. It was pretty frustrating but again, they ALWAYS believe they can get through work quickly. I can only say that maybe if this district would quit getting poor audits then yes, they would have had more time at the Work Session. Also, I knew from looking at the Powerpoint that there was no way to get through the information in an hour-and-a-half. So what I heard from the first part of the Work Session is below. I am hoping that others who attended and stayed longer can report back on the solutions portion of the meeting and, in particular, what the discussion was with the Board directors. It was Pegi McEvoy, Operations, and Bob Boesche, CFO, reporting to the Board. They first went over the Demographic Task Force Report. One theme here is communications. Ever...