Mr. Mayor and Madam Superintendent

Mayor McGinn and Superintendent Enfield will have a community meeting and Q & A session next week.

From the Mayor's office and SPS:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
South Shore Elementary School Rotunda
4800 S. Henderson, Seattle, WA 98118
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Featuring entertainment by the hit band School of Rock and information about city-wide youth programs and opportunities, the proposed Families & Education Levy, and more

Parking is available at the school and supervised activities for young children, along with water and light snacks, will be provided.

Interpretation and translation will be provided in the following languages:
American Sign Language, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Somali, Tagalog, Amharic, Tigrinya, and Oromo

Please RSVP to:

I can only say this a prime opportunity to air some issues. Be there or be square.


Ed Doc said…
The announcement would be more accurate if it stated that entertainment will be provided by Mayor McGinn and Dr. Enfield as they dance around, duck and dodge the direct questions I anticipate will be asked at this event.
Anonymous said…
What crappy timing for parents - are we really able to walk out on our families at dinnertime on the last day of school? I think this ought to be rescheduled. Maybe the point is that they want to make sure nobody shows up. Really, very insensitive timing.

dan dempsey said…
I will not be able to attend but it would be wonderful if someone would ask about the following from my testimony for 6-15-2011 Board meeting...

The UW’s Teach for America proposal states:

This proposal represents a response to human resource needs identified by the Seattle and Federal Way School Districts in areas of “chronic teacher shortage”. Based on a self assessment of both current needs and broader long term plans for human resource development.

So a Chronic teacher shortage drives broader long term HR plans. The District needs plans alright, it needs a response to Struggling Students not a response to a faked teacher shortage to rig future hiring decisions.

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