Talk to the Directors While You Can

I note that this is one of the last weekends of Director Community meetings before the end of the school year.

Director Carr - 8:30-10 am, Bethany Community Church

Director Martin-Morris - 9:30-11:30 am, Diva Espresso, Lake City

Director Sundquist - 11 am-12:30 p.m., High Point Library

I am off to my son's college graduation today (Western Washington U).  I know Seattle Schools starts their graduation cycle on Monday with Rainier Beach, Ingraham and Ballard.  Congratulations to all our 2011 grads and a special congratulations to Directors Martin-Morris, Sundquist, Carr and DeBell.  Each has a daughter graduating this year. 


drwilda said…
Congratulations to your son and your family.
Tracy @ WSB said…
I came into the comments section to say the same thing! Wishing him much success in post-school life :)
WenD said…
Congratulations to all graduates. One of the best milestones there is.
dan dempsey said…
On talking to the Directors ... while you can.

It is interesting that on June 15 ... Members of the public have a good chance to get on the agenda to testify on something other that an introductory item or an action item.

Testimonys may be particularly appropriate now that we are in the "Campaign Season" ... might four Board members running for reelection be listening for a change?

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