Things That Make You Go, Hmmm
First up. Despite the third graphic in a series from The Seattle Times in their partnership with LEV, Washington Roundtable, Stand for Children and other ed reform types via their " Education Research Institute " (maybe just call them ROI ) about public education - a series that deliberately targets Seattle Schools and only Seattle Schools, this time calling out Superintendent Nyland - the district itself has been silent. Is all the information on these graphics true? Or true in one sense but not really? I'm not sure that staying silent is the way to go. Maybe Board members and/or the Superintendent should speak up. Or, since the way the graphics have been written seems to be angled to a certain audience, maybe the district should just ignore them? I just had one legislator from the Seattle delegation tell me that they never seem to hear much from the Board or the Superintendent and that person wondered out loud why that would be. (FYI, I was told ...