Seattle Schools This Week

First, the date for Director Burke's next Lincoln High meeting has been changed.  From Director Burke:
The next Lincoln community meeting will be held Monday, June 5th from 6:30-8:30+ at the Hamilton Middle School Commons.  There will not be a meeting on May 23rd as originally planned, due to multiple scheduling and space availability conflicts.  I apologize in advance for the late notice on this change and any conflicts as I tried to fit this event in with the myriad of year-end occasions.

Meeting topics will include:
·         Introduction of Ruth Medsker, Lincoln High Principal starting June 1st of this year.
·         Updates on high school boundaries – HS Boundary Task Force process and work-to-date
·         Answers to frequently asked questions from prior meetings, or process/timelines for still-open questions
·         Facility design updates
·         Dedicated time for student Q&A.  Bring your existing HS student even if they aren’t Lincoln-bound to share their suggestions.
·         Opportunity for small-group networking to launch PTSA, Music/Arts, Athletics community groups.

For families from JSIS, it has been brought to my attention that this meeting exactly conflicts with the JSIS Ice Cream Social, so I will be hanging out a bit later to 9:00 or until they kick us out of the building if anybody wants to join this meeting a bit later.

I am looking forward to seeing folks, especially more students, on June 5th.  If you can’t attend this time, no worries - we will be having more get-togethers later this year.
SPS This Week (partial)

 Tuesday, May 23rd

May 23 2017 6:00 West Seattle High School Library, 3000 California Ave. SW, Seattle 98116
You are invited! Please come to a Special Education Regional Meeting! 

The Special Education Department will be hosting Regional Meetings for families and the community to learn about changes that are happening in Special Education in Seattle Public Schools. We want to listen to you and hear your questions. Please join Wyeth Jessee, Chief of Student Supports; Michaela Clancy, Director of Special Education; Trish Campbell, Interim Director of School Based Special Education Services; the Regional Supervisor and Program Specialists for your area; the Special Education Ombudsperson, the Parent Liaison and Parent Partners, and more Special Education staff.  Supervised children’s activities, light snack, and interpreters will be provided. 
Wednesday, May 24th
Board Work Session at JSCEE from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
  • State Auditor's Office Exit Conference (4:30-5:30pm)*
  • Limited Waiver of Policy No. 2415, High School Graduation Requirements (5:30-5:40pm)*
  • Work Session: Budget (5:40-7:00pm)* 
No agenda yet available.  The State Auditor's Exit Conference could be interesting but naturally, the Budget is the biggest topic for this Work Session. I believe that the Budget portion will likely address issues around staffing which may also bring in the issue of waitlists (which has been a big topic here).

Thursday, May 25th
Families of students in 8th - 12th grade are invited to an open house featuring our service school programs on from 5:15 ­­– 7:30 p.m. at the John Stanford Center.
Service schools offer unique services, opportunities, and learning environments to meet individual student needs. Students may request assignment to a service school or may be referred to one. Unlike the other schools in the district, students may transition in or out during the school year. The normal timeline and deadlines for assignment to a school do not apply to service schools. However, it's always best to check directly with a service school to learn about specific requirements.

Staff from the Cascade Parent Partnership, Bridges programs, Middle College, the Seattle World School, South Lake High School, and the Skills Center will be here to tell you about the opportunities that our service schools provide. Come meet some teachers and students, and learn about our summer and school year programs.  Food will be provided.
To learn more about our service schools, visit our service schools page.


Anonymous said…
Still not clear how our incoming high school freshmen are going to meet the Core 24 requirements that start next year when the associated class scheduling changes are not happening next year. Any insights? Is this what the graduation policy waiver discussion is about?

Maybe I missed an update, but I suspect issues are about to hit our students!

Anonymous said…
The board meeting on Wednesday is scheduled to address budget, staffing and waitlist.

Most likely staff will try to explain why the just can't move the waitlist. Despite multiple well reasoned arguments made on this blog and elsewhere.

- waitlist watcher.

Anonymous said…
There is a May 24 board meeting addressing budget, staffing, and waitlists? Is it open to the public? I don't see an option to sign up for public testimony at that meeting. How would I get more information?

--Concerned parent
Parent, they call them "board meetings" b/c it is a meeting of the Board but it's a Work Session on those topics. It is open to the public but no testimony or input is given. However you could email the Board with you thoughts or provide the Board with written comments before the meeting starts.

I think doing so would provide them with backup should they want to push back on issues like school staffing or waitlists.
Anonymous said…
Thank you! I will email the Board members tonight.

--same parent
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kellie said…
The agenda for the special board meeting that will address, budget, staffing and waitlist has been posted. Simply put there is a lot of mythology in this presentation.

Mel, could you please do a separate thread on this. I think anyone on a waitlist or anyone at a school with a waitlist may have a few things to say.

Anonymous said…
So Orwellian. Define what "capacity" means? Capacity: the maximum amount that something can contain. Can't wait for the SPS definition.


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