Summer Camp Opportunity for Autistic Youth

Come Explore the Possibilities! Theater of Possibility ("TOP") helps young people give voice to their ideas and dreams! Through fun and zany theater games, improv exercises and role-playing, we explore the dynamics of friendship, family and school. Along the way, we shape powerful emotions and ideas into moving, profound and funny works of theater.

Theater of Possibility for youth with autism spectrum and other ability differences will offer a two-week half-day summer camp for ages 8-13 at University Heights Center, 5031 University Way NE, Seattle, 98103, M-F, 3-6 PM, July 31-August 11. Cost $600.

Click here for a downloadable flyer for the TOP summer day camp.

 Contact Lauren Marshall to register.   Partial scholarships and pay-what-you-can available.  TOP is a DSHS respite care provider. 

Social skills are inherent in what we do, but TOP classes are playful and non-didactic. Relationship topics such as making and keeping friends, responses to bullying or exclusion, peer pressure and social injustice, might be explored through the creative genres of a fantasy, sci-fi or absurdist comedy.

We practice flexibility, non-verbal communication, recognizing social nuances, and perspective taking, collaboration and leadership. But the primary focus is on creativity and collaboration. I want to give students tools to better understand relationship dynamics and empower themselves, but rather than deign to teach students how to conform to societal norms, I aim to give them a voice to teach the world!

Who: TOP serves children, youth and adults who are interested in using theater to explore and express themselves more fully and authentically. We welcome students who are quirky, spirited or shy, or who may have Asperger's, autism, ADHD, or other learning differences. TOP promotes an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for each person's unique gifts.

Note: Students must be able to participate in structured group activities or come with an aide. The first class of each session is an introductory class to make sure it is a good fit for all.

Thank you to the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, Youth Arts Awards, 201214 & 2015-17, and Arc of Snohomish County for their support of TOP.


Inclusion Matters said…
Thanks for posting this! Being inclusive of neurodiversity could go one step further here, though.

Sometimes a commenter with an "arrogant tone" who comes off like they want to be the "smartest thing in shoe leather" or like they have a "stick up their ass" might be on the spectrum or teetering at the brink of the spectrum and not fully able to predict how he/she comes off to other people. Being unable to read other people's emotional responses can be hard to do online.

So, if your feedback is meant for the commenter him or herself, you could be gentler and more factual (E.g. simple statements of fact ("this sounds arrogant, which makes it off-putting" or "your know-it-all tone makes it hard to listen to what you're trying to say"). If you meant me, I can learn to do better. Sorry about the shoe leather and the stick. I'm an outlier, not a monster. If your feedback is meant for other readers who are annoyed by arrogant tone, carry on. It's your blog.
Inclusion Matters, I know who one of these people is and that person is not on the spectrum. One very much seems to be and yet still comes here and says disgusting things. I have a son on the spectrum and it doesn't mean you get to say anything you want.

I have tried to tell these people, in all kinds of ways, that their tone is off-putting. Doesn't work and this was basically my way of perhaps getting them to go away.

I don't know your handle so I have no idea if you are one of these people.
Inclusion Matters said…
I don't say disgusting things, so hopefully it's not me. Phew! I really was afraid you meant me. Double phew.

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