News for Parents of Special Education Students

Update:  The final Spec Ed PTSA meeting of the 2016-17 school year is coming up onTuesday, May 16 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the JSCEE

The meeting will feature guest speaker Cathy Murahashi, the Family Engagement Coordinator King County Parent and Family Coalition, from the Arc of King County, talking about parent advocacy. There will be Spec Ed Directors there to answer questions and address concerns, the SEAAC report and elections for the PTSA Board for next year. Also Wyeth Jessee, Chief of Student Supports, will be presenting briefly on the strategic plan for the District moving forward.

end of update

From the Seattle Special Education PTSA:

Greg Abel of Sound Options has partnered with Seattle Special Education PTSA to provide free workshop opportunities for Spec Ed Families. We are in the process of scheduling a workshop in each region in order to make these trainings more accessible to our families, but feel free to attend any/all of the workshops. Learning new and effective ways to engage in difficult conversation - useful skills in the world of special education and in life! Please consider joining us!

May 17, Wednesday 6:00-9:00 pm at Cleveland High School (Global Commons - Room 1201)
May 30, Tuesday 6:00-9:00 pm at Ballard High School (library)

These are the first two scheduled workshops. Greg describes the workshops:

Approaching Difficult Conversations

In this interactive seminar, participants increase self-awareness and confidence in conflict situations. They learn about the ingredients of conflict, mastering emotions and behaviors, and staying curious about what motivates others as they practice the skills needed for approaching difficult conversations. Specifically participants will:
  • Identify the elements of difficult conversations and how they impact you and those you work with.
  • Recognize your role in conflict situations.
  • Understand conflict styles and how to operate in stressful situations. 
  • Practice skills needed for holding difficult conversations such as self-awareness, active listening, and asking intentional questions.
 There is also a Special Education SW Regional Meeting coming up.  From SPS Communications:
May 23rd from 6-7:30 pm at the West Seattle High School library.
The date of this meeting was originally scheduled on May 9th. Due to staff schedule conflicts, it has been rescheduled to May 23rd. The Special Education Department is hosting Regional Meetings for staff, families and the community to learn more about Special Education in Seattle Public Schools. The topics will include information about changes in the department and updates about the Continuum of Services for children with special needs. We want to hear directly from you as we continue to partner in improving services for our students.

You will have an opportunity to meet Wyeth Jessee, Chief of Student Supports; Michaela Clancy, Director of Special Education; Trish Campbell, Interim Director of School Based Special Education Services; the Regional Supervisor and Program Specialists for your area; Margo Siegenthaler, the Special Education Ombudsperson; Parent Partners; Hannah Marzynski the Special Education Parent Liaison; and other special education staff.


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