Dr. Enfield Wants You All to Know She Means It

Dear Readers,

As some of you may know, recently someone posted a comment using Dr. Enfield's name.  (The comment was directed at me, though.)  It had been posted after I had retired one evening and I found an e-mail the next morning from Lesley Rodgers in Communications asking me about it.   Then, there was one from Dr. Enfield that said:

I expect the comment to be removed today.

I replied that I had seen it and removed it.  I apologized and said that sometimes people can be unpleasant.  I then wrote a separate thread reminding readers to NEVER pretend to be a living person/figure.

She wrote back:

Thank you Melissa. I suggest you remind your readers that posts such as these can result in legal action. 

So then for some reason, Blogger didn't immediately scrub the name (even though the post was gone) and I heard back from Dr. Enfield.

Melissa, please post that I did not make any comment on your blog. Apparently my name is still listed. I want it removed immediately and/or have you post that I never made any comments. 

 I then wrote that I would try to get it down and also added this:

I will point out that this is a free forum as well as a country with First Amendment rights. I am being clear in my words to my readers about what they can and cannot do so it is somewhat beyond my power to stop every post.  I can clear comments and again,I will look into how to get rid of a name attached to a post. 

I guessed that had cleared it up.  I guessed wrong. 

So at last night's Board meeting half-time, I was chatting with Lesley and Dr. Enfield came up to me with a smile.  I was surprised as she has generally been freezing me out since she announced she was not staying with the district.  She thanked me for taking down the post and again I said I was sorry.  But then, with a big smile, she said that my readers and I should know that if it ever happens again, she'll seek legal action.

Then she walked away before I could reply.

And so I first wanted to put forth what she has stated because she clearly wants all of you to know that she will have her legal counsel find you and sue you if you use her name.  As well, she also wants Charlie and me to know this.  (I assume since Google owns Blogger, them as well.   I would think that Google has its own crew of lawyers.)

I can understand that as a public figure she does not want people to use her name to make comments.  It is wrong.  But  I will also plainly state that I did not appreciate Dr. Enfield ordering me around like I was an employee. 

I have done research on this issue and although there is one case in Kentucky that went against the blogger, most cases stand with the First Amendment.  The case in Kentucky was about the blogger libeling a public figure.  Since I didn't post the comment in question that would not fit this case.

 But since she did want you to know that she will find you and start legal action against you if you use her name, I thought I would make that clear.

So now you have been informed and my duty is discharged (again).


Someone said…
Wow seriously? This is what she's worried about? I have a job that requires me to do a great deal of social media research, looking for all the bad things people say and tracking potential threats to people of note. Does she have any idea how may fake profiles there are out there for public figures? Everyday, hundreds of them crop up, and I do mean hundres, pretending to be the top movers and shakers of the world. (which is not a category I'd place you in Dr. Enfield, with all due respect).

That is one fierce ego there - but then - that's seems to be the norm for people of ambition.

I respect one's right to not be dis-respected - but get over yourself. Respectfully ;o)
Someone said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
ack - double post -sorry - computer faster than brain

This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Melissa, this is the price of having a formidable hit count. At least your url isn't blocked at JSCE.

Mr White
Anonymous said…
Sorry you had to deal with that, Melissa, given that you had already taken strong action to remove the post and condemn the poster prior to her threat. All actions that protect you in a lawsuit, BTW.

Dr. Enfield seems to have paper thin skin to get so upset about a one-time anonymous post that wasn't even directed at her. And I can confirm what Someone... said above. I used to work for a large search engine company, and am intimately familiar with what can, and cannot, be electronically published. Dr. Enfield's status as a public figure, plus your quick actions, put you in no legal danger.

But wow, Dr. Enfield. Chill out a little. Seriously. And have someone give you a brief tutorial on how such things happen. One post removed quickly is not a tragedy.

Former search geek
"But then, with a big smile, she said
that my readers and I should know
that if it ever happens again, she'll seek legal action."

I'd say if anyone actually enjoyed
the act of saying that they should
be getting some professional help.

From "Certainly not S.Enfield and
very happy to not be so".
Po3 said…
I wonder if she would say the same thing to the folks at Crosscut if this happened over there?

Anybody up for testing those waters?
Linh-Co said…
WOW! This blog is more entertaining than any soap opera or reality show!
Anonymous said…
Lately, I am routinely astonished by the ego and self absorption of some. Seriously, Melissa, you are consistently reasonable and thoughtful and it is extremely refreshing. Sorry you were bossed around.
ArchStanton said…
Really? No way. Really?

Ms. Enfield had better start snapping up domain names if she's that concerned about her "brand".

Some business out of PA has registered susanenfield.com, but most of the other extensions (.org, .net, etc.) are available.

Then of course you have to snap up susanenfieldsucks.com and all of it's variations if you really want to protect your brand.

Or, you could, maybe just, GET OVER YOURSELF.

Mr. Bruce Taylor made an excellent suggestion that unfortunately deleted or disappeared into the cloud. I applaud you, sir.
Anonymous said…
It is disturbing that Enfield would show this level of interest and pique, when you consider the # of embarassments that are going on on her watch and with her tacit endorsement. I know of families who are trying hard to get her attention and action on things that should not be happening, and that her Ed Directors show no interest or capacity to resolve. It's disheartening to learn that she is sweating the small stuff instead.

Not impressed.
Anonymous said…
In general, many of the loudest voices in the reform movement (Varner, Brewster, etc.) are becoming more strident in lambasting those who disagree with them. There isn't much pretense of arguing the merits of charter schools, TFA, teacher evaluations, so they just attack. I don't think they see expression of opposing views as legitimate.

It could be that Enfield is just trying to intimidate Melissa, Charlie, and those who comment on this blog, as a departing shot before she moves on to Highline SD. However, I do wonder if this kind of attack is a precursor to SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuits, where the powerful attempt to silence dissenters by suing them. That may sound far-fetched, but with the escalation of words from some of the pro-reformers, I think it's possible.

-- Ebenezer
Anonymous said…
What a ridiculous situation. Now for sure Enfield has just about invited bloggers to do take her on. Who wouldn't.

Signed, tempted
Anonymous said…
What a ridiculous situation. Now for sure Enfield has just about invited bloggers to do take her on. Who wouldn't.

Signed, tempted
suep. said…
I agree that it sounds a lot like an attempt at intimidation, as well as an overzealous ego in action. Another possibility -- maybe She Who Must Not Be Named realized last night that, now that Mr. Banda has been voted in as our new supt., the limelight is slipping away from her.

Whatever the reason, it doesn't reflect well on her.
Anonymous said…
Arch Stanton FTW !

For real, what would be her cause of action? How would she find out who actually wrote that? I doubt Melissa or blog contributors are legally liable for the comments.


Melissa, did you feel threatened? You could take out a restraining order.... since we're getting all legal and all.

Susan Enfield... here's an idea. Get busy supervising the transportation department and figure out a fix to that cluster(beep) so our kids are hanging out on street corners at 6:30 am waiting for their bus.

Patrick said…
Sigh. I have some sympathy for Enfield not wanting her name used falsely. Legalities aside, it's rude and although it wasn't meant deceptively some people could still be fooled by it.

But Enfield acting like that is Not a way to win friends, and Melissa deleted it as soon as she saw it.

And if it ends up in court, while I think Melissa would eventually win, Enfield would have the budget for a longer and more expensive battle, and discovery might force Melissa to reveal some of the anonymous poster's IDs, which we don't want. Not a battle Melissa or the others here need to fight.
Patrick said…
Her reacting that way means she's bothered by the blog, which is a good thing. "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you." I think we're on stage three.
Not My Real Name said…
Melissa doesn't know any of the anonymous blog commenters IDs or IP addresses or anything! That's not the way it works.

I believe Dr Enfield's husband is a computer professional and a blogger, so he could inform her of the lack of feasibility of finding the miscreant to sue.

I don't think it is a big ego that caused her to threaten a lawyer, but a fragile one.
Anonymous said…
I'm stunned, completely blown away. Doesn't she have a PR rep that would warn her away from such a move? Saying it with a smile?? Wuh, what? Was she really enjoying it or just playing cavalier in an attempt to hide how much this blog(read truth) has harmed her ego?

Dr. Susan N. Field said…
Dr. Enfield, can a post such as this result in legal action? Do you also expect this comment to be removed today?
Nick Esparza said…
legal action.Susan Enfield, Ed.D.
Interim Superintendent
What A Joke
Anonymous said…
Wow. Threats. Pretty nasty, imperious treatment, Melissa. I am sorry you had to be subjected to it. I hadn't looked at her departure like this before, but I

-Guess I am glad it's almost over
Anonymous said…
Perhaps moving on now would be best all around. Best for the community, best for her. The district with this latest transportation snafu, needs focus.

Ed Voter
Dr. Susan N. Field said…
Go figure, Melissa.

In the final throes of this failed Goodloe-Johnson/Enfield regime, you've been escorted from a public school building by their reprimanded protegee and promotee SNAPP Principal (why?) Rina Geoghagan apparently for shedding light on her shocking illegal behavior.

This took place in the presence of Principal(?) Geoghagan's immediate superior Executive Director Nancy Coogan, herself an identified participant in the investigated chain of wrongdoing, who now unethically fails to disqualify herself from any further supervisory role over unrepentant Principal(?) Geoghagan in this matter despite clear confict of interest.

And now you are being threatened with "legal action" by the same haughty jumped-up Superintendant who promoted Assistant Principal Geoghagan in the midst of the very child endangerment investigation which ultimately revealed that disgraceful King/Geoghagan wrongdoing!

Heck, Melissa, you must be doing something right . . .
Charlie Mas said…
There are things that you can ask people to do, and things that you can tell people to do. This is an ask, not a tell.

Frankly, even if you can tell people to do things, it's usually a good idea to ask them instead. It's a courtesy thing.

I'm always amused by people who threaten legal action when nothing actionable has occurred. It is a form of bullying, and it's also stupid. Any thoughtful or intelligent person - really anyone who isn't sent into a panic by the threat isn't scared by it at all. What action could Dr. Enfield take in Court? None. Sue for what? To protect her use of her name? She has no such right. Of course, it's no surprise when dumb and mean go together.

I think this episode reveals a bit of the monster behind the veneer. It isn't attractive.
Anonymous said…
I think it might take me about 5? 8? minutes to explain how posting to blogs works to any computer illiterate, so the illiterate could understand that figuring out who someone really is really isn't very likely.

Highline has a lot of kids on Free and Reduced Lunch - maybe the Empress will throw some pennies their way as she and her court lackeys genuflect and grovel towards all things Great and Gates?

She's going to sue you and charlie for what some anonymous internet ding-a-ling posted from Wallingford or Warsaw or Santiago or San Diego?

ha ha - what an embarrassment to our species - we promote people like her to positions of authority ?

just send her legal eagle team a picture of Rosemary Wood erasing that 13 minutes tape segment ... that should throw them off the scent for a few years.

Anonymous said…
"Melissa, please post that I did not make any comment on your blog. Apparently my name is still listed. I want it removed immediately and/or have you post that I never made any comments."

What, pray tell, is the departing Dr. Enfield afraid of. Mayby it really is the middle school clique thing, that she will be taunted by the cool kids she previously thought were her friends if they become suspicious that she's been interacting with the outcasts.

Anonymous said…
So if I post a comment with her name on a Seattle Times story, she will sue them?

SPSLeaks said…
I would say any damage to her reputation has been self-inflicted.

Personally, I rather like exposing the blowhards and pompous *ssh*les for what their are. It doesn't take much. Just read their emails.

Funny, Enfield doesn't write emails much anymore...
Anonymous said…
Take someone's name in vain...

"to use the name of someone, esp God (or, apparently, the departing Superintendent), without due respect or reverence"

Beware - Dr. Enfield is no dummy. She knew that she could generate a distraction by threatening to put you or any of your readers in their locker if you crossed her again. So the question is, for what is this silliness providing the distraction, the cover?

Anonymous said…
Every day in this district the federally protected rights of SPED students are trashed; from discriminatory school assignments to denial of services. Not once did we see Susan Enfield show outrage at those legal transgressions. She couldn't even be bothered to put a good team in place to take care of the problems. I guess those kids just are not as important as her good name.

Juana said…
I can understand Enfield's nose getting out of joint, but the manner which she engaged you, Melissa, was inappropriate. More reason to cheer her departure with her office full of ducks, Soup with the Supe, etc.
Rufus X said…
It's no wonder SPS's bullying policies are so weak and vague - they're overseen by someone who feels it's ok to engage in this type of intimidation.

No amount of "Odd Girl Out" books or "Miss Representation" documentaries will alleviate the rash of mean girls as long as folks like this are running the show. Have fun, Highline!
Annie said…
One must admit that Melissa can be a thorn in one's side. From my perspective the truth is a great thing to discuss but there is a civil way to discuss the truth. I feel that many on this blog know not how to discuss the truth without taking down the opposing side. Now I know you are all going to say 'yah but it is the truth and we do it kindly'. I disagree and would argue that is one needs to argue their point for over 10 plus years then maybe it is time to move one because you are not being heard and are not being productive.
Anonymous said…
OK, enough about ego wounding and ego building, can we get back to fixing transportaton and the budget sieve 'cause I don't want 8 year olds waiting for buses at 6:30 AM or walking home in the dark at 5PM? I'm ok with Dr. Enfield moving on at this point. She is making her transition so maybe she has that on her mind. Whatever, really don't care anymore. Just get someone competent in place to fix this now before this school year ends. I understand Mr. Bishop has some family crisis (?). Fine, I get that too, having gone through it with 2 burials this past 6 months, so perhaps find someone who has the time to really focus on this.

practical and looking for solutions
Anonymous said…
Karma Parent Says

Enfield sure wasn't classy here.

Most posters on this thread aren't either.

Enfield is moving on and we should too.
Anonymous said…
Annie: I think Melissa is highly productive. Her work is here for all to see. I'm not sure how she's not being productive. She's too nice, all told, and has posted news that the district later owns up to. Doctor Maria was the opposite of productive because most of her decisions wasted millions are being dismantled. En-Field has made some surprising turnarounds but all told, she leaves a mess and we can't blame Melissa or Charlie or any other mere blogger for that one, can we?

Mr White
Annie said…
Mr. White,

I do not disagree that many issues have been exposed by Melissa. My point is that once one has been determined to be a thorn that only irritates those she is trying tp persuade than it just might be time to pass the baton to the pereson that can communicate in an unabrasive manner and yet still discuss the truth.

It is obvious to me that Melissa has become that thorn and many people cannot, do not want to take what she has to say into any consideration because they have been rubbed raw so many times by her.
Anonymous said…
Riding in the Clown Car says:


Perhaps if these fragile egos just fixed the damn messes that they themselves largely create, there would be no need for thorns.

These people are highly paid professionals. Take the heat or move on.

And if the Civic "leaders" have hurt feelings, ditto. Spend less time worrying and whispering about criticism and more time solving problems. (Insert favorite paid lobbyist or local millionaire's name here.)
Charlie Mas said…

The Seattle Times comments have a Terms of Service agreement that prohibits:

"Identifiable impersonations of another individual, by false representations in the text, by creating a misleading screen name that misrepresents the poster's identity in an identifiable fashion, or by utilizing another individual's account to post, with or without that individual's knowledge"

Of course the Seattle Times comments Terms of Service also prohibits:

Content that is untrue, inaccurate, deliberately misleading, or trade libelous"
Anonymous said…
Good news. Enfield reads the blog. Thoroughly, and carefully. She complains about stuff most people didn't even see.

dj said…
Well, I suppose the good thing about this sort of missive is that, to any extent I am sitting around being a little anxious about trading the super we know for a comparatively unknown quantity, it is nice to have my anxiety eased by a reminder of the things I didn't care for about Enfield in the first place. The kind of attention that Susan Enfield just paid to a blog comment quickly removed seems consistent to me with a person who would demand to be given the super position the benefit of a full search and who would refuse to enter a competitive search for the position. Too much about ego.
"I disagree and would argue that is one needs to argue their point for over 10 plus years then maybe it is time to move one because you are not being heard and are not being productive."

Annie, Charlie and I have many points, not just one. We want a better run district with better academic outcomes for all students. That's maybe one point but others radiate off it.

Productive? We have exposed a lot of issues and provided a forum for parents to get information, discuss issues and solutions and yes, even praise the districts, its staff and its students for accomplishments.

I always smile when people say move on because it usually means go away. I will love the day I can move on knowing that our district is on the right track and in good hands.

As for how I felt about the Enfield issue, certainly not bullied. Annoyed, amused but please understand, I am not worried in the slightest with what I'm sure she thinks are cautionary words. (I decline to call them a threat.)

I think the right call is that yes, the blog has gone beyond a thorn in anyone's side to a full-fledged entity that can no longer be marginalized, minimized or ignored.
Anonymous said…
I don't think it's Melissa who's the thorn. It's this blog. It provides much needed information. It provides a format for people to discuss, vent, propose ideas & solutions, to celebrate happenngs, and yes at times, supply much needed humor.

Look, it speaks volume that people must resort to this blog to communicate to one another, to the district, the media, and the power that be. It speaks that we have few outlets where we are listened to and have a place to speak so that others may listen. For those who don't like this blog, you can turn it off. There are many other websites and blogs that can speak to your kind if you want back up singers. I for one may not always agree with the content and some speakers, but I AM SO GLAD we have it!

-practical and looking for solutions
Jet City mom said…
When people get riled about small stuff, you know it is to take attention away from big stuff.

It is disturbing that Enfield would show this level of interest and pique, when you consider the # of embarassments that are going on on her watch and with her tacit endorsement. I know of families who are trying hard to get her attention and action on things that should not be happening, and that her Ed Directors show no interest or capacity to resolve. It's disheartening to learn that she is sweating the small stuff instead.

Also not impressed.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Steve said…
I think the Seattle Times policy that Charlie references is reasonable, and one that should be implemented on this blog. The people running the blog cannot stop someone from posting using someone else's name, but this policy says that they can and will delete such posts. I think this is reasonable, and may pre-empt this kind of overbearing complaint.

I would hope if someone posted using my name and represented themselves as me, it would be against the blog policy and it would be deleted. (I wouldn't whine about it, however; I'd just ask the blog managers to delete the post).

The Seattle Times comments have a Terms of Service agreement that prohibits:

"Identifiable impersonations of another individual, by false representations in the text, by creating a misleading screen name that misrepresents the poster's identity in an identifiable fashion, or by utilizing another individual's account to post, with or without that individual's knowledge"
Juana said…
If her legal counsel is SPS'...nothing to worry about. Too busy with other crazy activities, e.g. Lake City property.
Anonymous said…
Reposting Anonymous at 10:12 -

"request for help:

Please start a threat(sic - thread?) on how to handle Dr Enfield. There are many of us in Highline who are quite nervous and not sure what to do."

reposted by Oompah
Stu said…
Maybe this is just her way of engaging the public.

Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Melissa, please pass the baton to someone less controversial, less confrontational, more cooperative, and more civil. Take no further stands which cause controversy or afflict the comfortable. Let peace and harmony triumph by abandoning your post and giving up the fight. Let greed, arrogance and pomposity have their way, & cash-in while you're at it. It's the American way and we can finally have the illusion of civility we so desperately need.

Longhouse said…
Boy does this sound familiar.

Sounds like the district is looking for ANY excuse to threaten or silence you.

They do that.

It's a thousand times worse when you work for them and your ability to feed your family is controlled by them.

Don't sweat it, you're on firm legal ground.

When you work for them, they act like a corrupt cop following you for a hundred miles until you forget to signal your turn and then order you out of the car taze you when you're already lying face down on the asphalt.
Michael Rice said…
As a sometime contributor to the blog, over the years, I have had staff from the John Stanford Center for Education Excellence tell me that no one there reads this blog.

Well, as Adam or Jamie would say, "Myth Busted."
semi-anonymous said…
The ridiculous thing is that from a technical standpoint, if a knowledgeable, diligent person wants to post anonymously it's virtually impossible to identify them. Note that I said knowledgeable. On the other hand, if you're stupid enough to post from home or work with no precautions, it will take all of 5 minutes to be identified.

I'm not by any means condoning posting under another person's name, but pointing out how stupid a claim of legal action is in this case.
Charlie Mas said…
The threat of legal action is stupid because there is nothing actionable.

What loss could Dr. Enfield suffer if someone - clearly as a parody - signs their comment with her name?

Sarah Palin could not sue Tina Fey, Lorne Micheals, or NBC for impersonating her, and Dr. Enfield cannot sue an anonymous commenter, Melissa, or Blogger for impersonating her in a similar fashion. It's not exactly identity theft.

Also, what could she sue for? What loss did she suffer? In dollars and cents what loss did she suffer?

It is an empty threat, and empty threats are the tools of a bully. An obviously empty threat is the tool of a stupid bully. The emptiness of this threat is pretty obvious to all of us.
Michael, very funny. Thanks.
StopTFA said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Those FOIAs by Melissa and StopTFA were responsible for letting the public know that Enfield was as sneaky and two-faced as the Martin Floe debacle had indicated.

Like a lawyer who tries to get the case (with overwhelming damning evidence) overurned on a technicality, Enfield looks desperate to try to regain her good girl image by pretending to be the victim of an unfair attack (a classic middle school mean girl behavior).

Sorry, Susan Enfield. You lost in the court of public opinion because of your own words and deeds--not because of the first amendment.

Most teachers were aware of your phoniness from jump street. Quite a few of us encountered that Nurse Ratched smile (which accompanied a patronizing reply) when we asked a few simple questions about making the curriculum better.

That behavior doesn't last long in the real world--at least if you want to stay at a job for more than two or three years.

--enough already
StopTFA said…
Wow, didn't think my post would still be there...

Anyway...perhaps En-field is concerned because I did my usual "educatin'" of the the public (and boards in a number of districts BTW) about her actions and attitudes behind the scenes while she was on her "victory/spite lap".

Perhaps, she figures she can't touch me, but will harass Melissa. For that Melissa I am truly sorry.

Just as a reminder, My name's Cecilia. Attorneys can find me at most board meetings. Not concerned because just about everything I present is backed by administrators' own word and actions.

I look forward to Mr. Banda not feeling like he can't show his true self via emails, once exposed...
Jan said…
The thought I had when I read it was the one that Longhouse raised: "It's a thousand times worse when you work for them and your ability to feed your family is controlled by them."

Thinking about how Melissa was treated, I kept thinking -- what must it be like for those whose paychecks and professional reputations she controls? I know not all of the District's employees are perfect -- but I feel really badly that so many wonderful teachers and staff have had to endure Dr. E, her hench-Executive Directors, and her predecessor, MGJ, for so long.

We are sorry, teachers and staff (at least I am). We are doing the best we can (without money, power, or influence -- except our vote) to change things for the better.

. . .(but we sure could use your help in cleaning up the leadership mess at the SEA -- which is something we can't touch, but you can).
I will say that Susan seems to treat staff very well. She encourages them and praises them. I have seen this done many times.

That said, I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
Jan said…
As to Annie's comments: I agree, Annie, that some commenters sometimes stumble on the matter of civility (I would point out how infinitely WORSE the commenters are at the ST, but really, that skirts the issue. Each of us needs to be mindful of words and tone). But I disagree that Melissa, Charlie, or other "district watchers" should quit because they are now identified as critics. If we aren't willing to continue to engage with the District, we will deserve the incompetence, cronyism, fraud, and waste that will be perpetrated on us and our kids. It is as simple as that. I have lived in Seattle, and followed to one degree or another, district politics for more than 30 years. For a while, we were just incompetently managed. Now, it has turned into incompetent management under siege by ed reform -- which is worse, because the ed reform crowd is happy to use the incompetence to facilitate their (very harmful) agenda. This, in a nutshell, is what landed on the doorstep with MGJ, and we will be years digging out.

I for one am incredibly thankful for all the District watchers (not just Melissa and Charlie, but Dorothy and many others, who go to meetings, dig up information, hunt for documents the District is trying to hide, report on what is done and not done at committee meetings, etc.

It is harder to manage well than to manage like S#$&#*^T. Under MGJ, Manhas and Olshefske, the District was managed like S#$&#*^T. Under MGJ and Dr. E, the Directors attempted to not govern at all (by ed reform design -- leaving bad management to reign undisturbed at the top.) If we want a District that runs well, we need to keep pushing for better goverance and better management -- and more involvement by families and other Seattle citizens in our public schools.

The bureaucrats who would prefer to do less, and the ed reform folks who really want to just sell the entire thing to private enterprise while no one is looking, or no one cares, would both like nothing more than for the District watchers with the longest memories and the most history (and Melissa and Charlie are two of them) to go away.
Anonymous said…

I got out of SPS (in large part) because of the complacency of my co-workers.

You have absolutely no power left when the little bit you have (via union membership) is squandered.

I still can't believe that Knapp was elected.

--enough already
Jan said…
Melissa -- what you describe is classic "mean girl" behavior. People who abuse power and bully and intimidate people are generally nice to those right around them (they need the support of their "helpers" -- and they need to preserve their "veneer" as "nice" people) -- while at the same time, they are really horrible to anyone on the "outs." The "ins" watch the fates of the "outs," and do whatever is required to avoid having that ever happen to them -- including being (or acting) mean themselves. I used to be partially assuaged when I would watch people whom I KNEW to be jerks turn around and fawn all over their staffs, remember the birthdays, shower them with complements, etc. etc. etc. Watch any middle school "mean girls" clique -- it's all there. In many instances, it is not genuine niceness; it is just part of the power structure, just calculated favoritism (watch what happens if one of those "in" folks EVER ends up on the "out"side! Hoo Boy!)

Go to an organization sometime where a truly fairminded executive manages things. You will see much less syrupy fawning over staff and underlings -- but much fairer, more evenhanded treatment of everyone -- across the board. Their workers don't have to curry favor and carry political water to get entry to some mystical "inner group." In fact, they know it won't work. They don't have a corruptible boss. All they have to do (and in fact the only thing they CAN do) to get ahead is do their jobs well and treat everyone else like their employer treats them!

What a concept!
The Real Arnold said…
Well, knowing that you are not a lawyer, I would say that you are being presumptuous by saying that your "duty is discharged."

StopTFA said “Perhaps, she figures she can't touch me, but will harass Melissa.” Being anonymous or using a pseudonym on the net is no longer a protection from being sued, and she (or her lawyers) can reach out and find you. See the link: 'Anonymous' Posters to Pay $13 Million for Defamatory Comments. This is not “mean girl” behavior – saying that is just politically correct claptrap. It sounds as though she was just providing a friendly warning. An unfriendly warning would have been a letter from an attorney. Free speech has limits. If you don’t know that, you should go back to school.

I don’t know what exactly was said, or when it was said, and I presume the circumstances are much different. But that linked article is a warning indicator of what can happen if you make defamatory remarks
The Real Arnold said…
Oh, by the way, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) does not apply to state or local governments. That is a federal law that applies to the federal government. In this state, there is the Public Records Act (PRA), not the FOIA. When you submit a request to the SPS it is under the PRA, not the FOIA.
Charlie Mas said…
She's really going to hate this.
StopTFA said…
PRA, yes I've heard of that.

No defamatory remarks. Simply public information, that one wouldn't know if they simply listened to Lynne Varner, Frank Greer, Jon Bridge and others.

Can I sue them? Turnabout is fair play. Again, they know where to find me.

But, you know what, I am retired effective 6/30/12. I'm goin' to Disneyland!
StopTFA said…
PRA. Does that stand for "pretty ridiculous actions"?
Anonymous said…
so "Real Arnold",

I suppose saying the Deformers are liars and Billy Boot Lickers is the same as what you link to

'... filed a suit against anonymous commenters who accused them of being sexual deviants, molesters, and drug dealers on Topix, once self-described as "the country's largest local forum site."'

Which 1 of The Man do you work for? You don't know what was said - are you talkign from a legalistic try to scare everyone perspective, or, did you not read Melissa's diary - it seems pretty clear what was said - of course, I also happen to think that too much of what the legal profession does is just corruption, and I also happen to think that the amount of Ju$tice I get is directly related to how much money I have -

I suppose I should tremble after reading your link?

I shouldn't wonder if you're

Anonymous said…
another arnold,

I'm the FOIA mistaker--you don't need to lecture the requestees about the definition of a PRA. They obviously know what one is and how to do a request.

These public servants have done the city's children, families and teachers a major service by exposing the truth about who is running this school district and how it operates.

Those exposed should be ashamed of themselves rather than blaming one of the messengers (who promptly deleted and formally reprimanded the clueless poster of that name).

By the way, Melissa...

Congratulations on your article in the Washington Post. Did Dr. Enfield get a chance to express her regards about your rise to the national stage?

--enough already
Maureen said…
It's interesting to me that someone Dr. Enfield listens to actually saw the post signed with her name. I practically have this site as my homepage and I didn't see it. Makes me wonder if someone at SPS is actually being paid to monitor this site. If so, now that Enfield is leaving, could we cut out that position and use the money for transportation? (Alternatively, I would do the job for $20 an hour. But I reserve the right to Charlie's new avatar!)
another arnold said…
Don't confuse Real Arnold with another arnold. Two different people.
Not an Arnold said…
A one time snarky comment that was removed within 24 hours would not meet the legal criteria you outlined in that article, Real Arnold. Not even close.

However, if a lawsuit were actually brought against Melissa and this blog, it would end up making Dr Enfield look absolutely ridiculous, and vindictive and petty to boot. The damage to her reputation would be far greater than any perceived benefit from silencing her critics. This is why Santorum never filed a suit against Dan Savage, for example.
Frankly, even if you can tell people to do things, it's usually a good idea to ask them instead. It's a courtesy thing.
AC Service The Woodlands
Alex Smith said…
WOW! This blog is more entertaining than any soap opera or reality show!
AC Service Kenosha
Unknown said…
I think this is reasonable, and may pre-empt this kind of overbearing complaint.
Air Conditioning Service Spring Branch
Unknown said…
It's usually a good idea to ask them instead. It's a courtesy thing.
AC Repair Friendswood
The people running the blog cannot stop someone from posting using someone else's name, but this policy says that they can and will delete such posts.
Ac Service Montgomery
Anonymous said…
With this reason, the PSC Result will publish on the First or Second Week of the month of May 2019. Currently, no date announced by the Ministry of Education about the PSC Rajult 2019. If we get any info about the PSC Results publishing, we will include it on here with a new article.

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