Shooting in Roosevelt Area; Gunman Still at Large

 Update at 1:30 p.m. 
Spoke with Phil Brockman over at RHS.  They have moved to a "shelter in place" mode (a notch down from complete lockdown).  Students are to be released at regular time when school ends today per police belief that area is clear.  I did see two cop cars race up 15th Ave NE next to the school at a very high rate of speed but an officer on the scene said they are going to every reported sighting they have as quickly as possible. 
end of update

There has been a shooting in the Roosevelt area by NE 65th near the freeway.   KING-5 is reporting two people dead, another injured.  The gunman, a white man, is still at large.

Roosevelt High School is on lock-down and so is Green Lake Elementary.  No word if Bagley or Bryant are as well.

I just drove through the area not a half-hour before this happened.  This violence has got to stop.

Update:  there was also a shooting in downtown Seattle at 8th and Seneca.  A woman was shot as she got car-jacked.  They found the car in West Seattle, 30th and Genessee.  If you live in that area, the police are telling people to stay in their homes/businesses if possible.  The shooter is a white male with blond hair, maybe wearing a hat.

The shooting in the Roosevelt area is further south than previously reported.  It happened at a cafe on Roosevelt at 58th.


mirmac1 said…
Lock your doors if your home Melissa. Seriously.
Anonymous said…
What in the world is going on? This is insanity!

Jet City mom said…
Eckstein is also on partial lockdown
According to 911 map another weapons incident at Town Hall.
Anonymous said…
From the PI, it sounds like this could be a case of mental illness as opposed to gang activity—not much the city can do about that.

There was also a shooting (apparent car-jacking) at 8th & Seneca that resulted in death. Now this, the city could try to fix.

In all cases, the prevalence of gun violence in this city is beyond disturbing.

Solvay Girl
mirmac1 said…
From Ravennablog

Bryant Elementary staff reports their doors are locked, but the rest of the day is proceeding normally
mirmac1 said…
In addition to Roosevelt HS lockdown, 2 nearby schools - Eckstein Middle and Green Lake Elem, are operating as usual but w/ locked doors
Anonymous said…
The West Seattle blog is now reporting that the vehicle used in this shooting has just been found on Delridge in West Seattle.

Are West Seattle schools going into lock down, too?

mirmac1 said…
Be watchful around Delridge Community Center. Car linked to downtown shooting located at 4100 block Delridge.
mirmac1 said…
No, the car is linked to shooting at 8th and Seneca.

Yeah, I know. Hard to keep these shootings straight...ugh
Anonymous said…
Here's what the crack communications staff at the district had to say about the situation.

"Teresa Wippel, a school district spokeswoman, said she wasn’t sure if any students were in danger."

Meh. Enough with the amateur show. Get the superintendent on the phone and get some ownership of leadership in this blasted district.

ArchStanton said…
I blame the economy.
I will keep you updated from Twitter feeds from the West Seattle Blog.

Any information I hear from my neighborhood I will pass onto you.

Reports are that RHS is a ghost-town. The reporter said, "It looks like a Sunday, not a Wednesday."
The woman in the downtown shooting has died from her injuries.

This guy in West Seattle is DANGEROUS and on the move. Be aware.
Speechless said…
"From the PI, it sounds like this could be a case of mental illness as opposed to gang activity—not much the city can do about that."

Solvay Girl, what about making guns less readily available?
Jet City mom said…
We really need to impress on people who own guns the importance of keeping them secure.
I know several households who have hadweapons taken in break ins.
Also not the economy. Seattles unemployment rate is 6.6%.

I blame idiots. No economy is going to fix that.
Anonymous said…
Well, it's the idiots with guns. The idiots without guns can't do nearly as much damage.


This is really scary.

We can have a whole discussion on guns.

If you want a gun, fine. But we need laws that hold the gun owner (unless it was stolen) responsible for anything that happens with that gun.

If there's one thing we learned from OJ is that if you can't get someone criminally, you can go after them in civil court.

We have too many guns too readily available in a economic climate that seems to be heightening anger. Chicago had 10 people killed over the weekend.
Anonymous said…
Link to fire and police scanner:
Rosenthal reports that students attending RHS' musical from Granite Falls and Edmonds elementary schools are now being escorted out of RHS to go back to their schools.
mirmac1 said…
I'm sure SPS made a great impression on those kids...
Maureen said…
But the show went on!
TraceyS said…
Cowed/Ravenna Park is very close to Cafe Racer. Please lock your doors if you live near these parks, and be careful.
TraceyS said…
Sorry - that is Cowen and Ravenna Parks
Anonymous said…

Heavily armed officers going yard to yard near #RooseveltShooting scene. If in area be aware they are walking through yards, weapons drawn.

Spectators stay away.

Anonymous said…
I read that Greenwood Elementary is on lockdown too, but no word from the school. Anyone know if this is true?

-Parent of preschooler
TraceyS said…
I heard GreenLake not Greenwood
Patrick said…
Melissa, yes, you can go after them in civil court, but if the perpetrator doesn't have some assets there will be no one to pay the legal bills. It would be hard to for the plaintiff to find a lawyer who would take the case against an impoverished shooter.

Be careful out there.
Anonymous said…
Well, I am glad they held the nine-yr old Bremerton's mom and boyfriend liable for his access to a gun.

Anonymous said…
Now the school district is saying kids will transport home as usual, although some streets will be closed.

-Parent of preschooler
hschinske said…
The community center at University Heights is also on lockdown. I heard because my son's choir rehearsal was canceled.

Helen Schinske

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