Banda Visit
The district is confirming Superintendent Banda's visit to SPS on Wednesday. He will be at the Board meeting for the vote on his confirmation. Immediately after that vote, there will be a break and media will be able to talk with him, DeBell and Enfield briefly. (So there's your break time
Media can continue to speak with him after that in the Board conference room. What question do you think is the most important to ask at this point?
Thursday, he will be touring Arbor Heights. Boy, is this a possible break for them in their quest to get moved up in the timeline for BEX IV. The school is in horrifically bad shape and help can't come too soon. However, they are nearly at the end of the timeline for BEX IV (I think it could be adjusted for sure).
My hope would be that Banda will be appalled to see this and maybe, when he gets here in July, nudge the BEX staff to push this up. Credit to the district for picking out a poor-quality building (but with high-quality and high-energy staff, parents and students) for him to visit.
Media can continue to speak with him after that in the Board conference room. What question do you think is the most important to ask at this point?
Thursday, he will be touring Arbor Heights. Boy, is this a possible break for them in their quest to get moved up in the timeline for BEX IV. The school is in horrifically bad shape and help can't come too soon. However, they are nearly at the end of the timeline for BEX IV (I think it could be adjusted for sure).
My hope would be that Banda will be appalled to see this and maybe, when he gets here in July, nudge the BEX staff to push this up. Credit to the district for picking out a poor-quality building (but with high-quality and high-energy staff, parents and students) for him to visit.
-accounting for common cents
Re: AH and Roxhill. Let's not celebrate too soon, now that Roxhill has been saved from merger with AH. Once a 650-kid school is built at AH, there will be even MORE pressure to dissolve Roxhill.
In my opinion, math is the weakest part of SPS academics. I would love to see Banda change it but he needs to hear this from parents.
S parent
Grateful AH