Odds and Ends

John Rogers Elementary is getting a new principal for school year 2013-2014. Their current principal, Marcia Boyd, is retiring at the end of the current school year.

Sara Mirabueno will be their new principal.  She comes from John Hay Elementary where she is currently assistant principal.  Ms Mirabueno was also a teacher at several SPS schools.

According to the Montlaker, Montlake Elementary School's nomination has been unanimously approved by the Landmarks Preservation Board.  Their designation hearing is in June.   It seems that some of the Board expressed "tepid support" so the designation may not come through but it only takes a simple majority vote to win.

A representative from Seattle Schools testified to the board that the District had no formal position on the building’s landmark status. In this case, at least the property owner doesn’t oppose designation (as is often the case).

I'm thinking the district's lack of a formal position is also "tepid."  Landmark buildings can be a headache.  Montlake is a high-performing school in a pretty building but it is also very small and, like many schools, has at least one portable to support its population.

Tomorrow is the deadline to apply to serve on the district's Native American Advisory Committee.

Yesterday, I attended the memorial for former Board president, Cheryl Chow.  It was a packed house at Town Hall with former governors Chris Gregoire and Gary Locke eulogizing her.  Chow's life was one of service as a teacher, principal, administrator and Board Director for Seattle Public Schools.  She also served as assistant superintendent at OSPI.  She was a City Councilwoman for nearly a decade.  She was part of and then lead the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team, was a Girl Scout leader and a basketball coach.  Chow was 66 and leaves behind her wife, Sarah, and her daughter, Liliana, brothers and their families and a wide-range of friends and community supporters.

What I remember about Cheryl (and found so familiar) was her tenaciousness.  I always enjoyed talking to her standing up because she and I could talk eye-to-eye.  I don't get to do that often with most people and I suspect she didn't either.

After serving on the Closure and Consolidation Committee, I was very touched that she sent a hand-written thank-you note to every single member of the committee.  In a world of texts and tweets, that meant a lot.


Anonymous said…
I haven't seen any discussion of the retirement of Cleveland's principal here. Any idea who will replace her?


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