Ravitch Blogs about WA State PTA and McDonald's Connection

Over at Diane Ravitch's blog, there was a discussion about the national PTA and links to the Gates Foundation (and maybe that is why the PTA showed Waiting for Superman" at their national convention in 2011.)  I mentioned our state PTA and its ties to McDonald's and Diane put it up.

Turns out that the National PTA received a grant in Feb. 2013 from the GE Foundation to further the PTA efforts for Common Core.

Here's what the national PTA president had to say:

 "As the largest child advocacy organization in the country, National PTA has played a leading role in educating families and communities about the Common Core State Standards for years, creating a groundswell of support for this historic reform," said Betsy Landers, National PTA President. "The need for creating awareness of the standards remains a high priority. We believe that new resources focused on assessments and accountability systems must be included in the public dialogue to ensure that parents are knowledgeable about the standards and remain supportive during the transition phase in each state."  

From Missouri Education Watchdog:
Since parents and taxpayers were largely left out of the Common Core process (as well as legislators), maybe the GE Foundation needs to try and gain support for these standards from the parents of the students who are having to learn what their schools are mandated to teach.

This money for PTA support of Common Core comes after a $1M grant from the Gates Foundation on 2009 for the same purpose.  


Anonymous said…
seems like PTA belongs on the list of Gate$-ILL-Vain-ia a$tro turf$ - CRPE, LEV, SFC, PFL, NCTQ, A$E, OSC, ... WTF Else?

were any of you teens in the 70's when tennis became really popular and became yet another avenue for kids with various amounts of money to look down their noses as kids without money?


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