Tomorrow on KUOW

"I am interested to hear about similar developments at other schools, and any closure developments that parents, teachers, and students are noticing:

Also, KUOW will have a call-in show on school closures Tu 12/16, 9-10AM, 94.9FM. We would love to hear from your readers and bloggers. (800) 289-KUOW or 206.543.KUOW. Thank you!"

This came from reporter Phyllis Fletcher at KUOW, our local NPR station. I believe you can also e-mail: with comments. You can do that now and likely should put "school closures" in the subject line.


Beth Bakeman said…
You listen to the show from the RealAudio or MP3 links on this page:

KUOW Weekday: School Closures
Beth Bakeman said…
Michael DeBell voiced strong support for the Center School continuing at its current existence. He also talked about the importance of having alternative school options available.

However, he referred to Summit K-12 as a "special case" which wasn't either clearly a statement of support or lack of support.
Beth Bakeman said…
Dr. Goodloe-Johnson left the door open for changing the Jane Addams building recommendation back to a traditional K-8 program.

"This process is not at all about lobbying"...but instead is all about data and analysis.

"The public hearing is not really for input. We had community meetings and other processes get input."
Beth Bakeman said…
Michael DeBell said since our "excess capacity is spread across many schools", whatever school is closed, those students will have to be spread across many programs, which is troubling.

Cooper teacher argued that academic achievement at Cooper is better than the schools where those students will be sent.

Dr. G-J falls back on superhero "design teams" for her answer to the question.
beansa said…
If the public hearings aren't for the public to give input, then what are they for?
Roy Smith said…
If the public hearings aren't for the public to give input, then what are they for?

SPS is required to hold a public hearing by state law; if they close a building without a public hearing, they will be on the receiving end of an indefensible lawsuit, and they know it, so they hold a "public hearing" at which it appears they have no intention of actually hearing the public.

There is no similar requirement for the situation where a program is being closed but the building remains open, which is why Cooper, AAA, Meany, and Summit aren't having their own hearings.

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