I-1240 Debate Featured in Tomorrow Night's Forum
One of the wider-ranging discussions of I-1240 tomorrow night is sponsored by the League of Women Voters. They are having a number of events and this one features 1240, R-74 (marriage equality) and the tax initiative. I will be the speaker against 1240 and Tim Ceis, the former deputy mayor of Seattle under Nickels will be representing the yes side.
What is interesting is that the LWV has decided to devote nearly an hour to discussion of I-1240. I was told that this is because it is a complex issue (and indeed it is). So this should be interesting.
It will be taped so it will be available for viewing as well (I'll put a link afterwards).
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the discussion of I-1240 up first at 7 p.m.
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Ave
Thank you for debating in the Forum.
You are extremely knowledgeable about the issue and always communicate effectively. We will be cheering you on.