The Back-to-School edition of the Seattle Times

I don't know why, but there are a whole lot of education-related stories in the Seattle Times today.

Federal Way School Board president indicted in alleged tire-theft scheme

North End school plan draws a crowd

LA students breach school iPads' security

Guest: Transforming school discipline key to better education

Editorial: Rigorous process ahead for charter schools

Missed opportunities in Seattle teachers union contract


Charlie Mas said…
Two more!

Two - count 'em - TWO editorials on the same day about the District's struggle to comply with IDEA.

Editorial: Seattle struggles with special-ed deadline

Seattle still struggling to improve special education program
Anonymous said…
Re "Seattle still struggling to improve special education program" - Varner should interview school principals. This would give her a flavor of the ignorance about special education and lack of accountability going on in the schools. This is where it starts. I think she is asking the wrong questions. She needs to talk to families too about what it is like to walk in to some of these schools with your special needs kids and be treated like you just don't understand how busy everybody is and what about the crunch for space and could you go somewhere else? This is where it all starts - with Seattle's principals. It hardly matters the a deadline for OSPI was missed. That OSPI plan is going to do nothing to change what principals do. So maybe OSPI didn't ask the right questions, either.


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