Celebrity Gossip, Part 2
What school district seems to have been dragging their feet on releasing a long -awaited investigation report on a personnel issue at an elementary school? It has taken months for this thing (never a good signal) and it's still not out. It was supposed to be released a couple of weeks ago, a week ago, a day ago. What gives? What's interesting is first the principal of the school takes a new job - in the middle of the year - in another district. That new district then finds out about the pending investigation report and rescinds the job offer. Principal goes back to old job and says he loves his school. And, the superintendent of the first district is all the while looking for a new job. Just as she's about ready to sign-off on a new job, well, the report is due out. But it gets delayed - day after day. Makes you wonder. Sometimes it seems like adults get more protection than students.