Deaths in Syria include Journalists, Activists and a Blogger

I want to give notice to the reports from Syria that several journalists were killed yesterday.  Among them:
  • Veteran Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin
  • French photographer Remi Ochlik
  • several journalists including a video blogger, Rami al-Sayed
Syrians who want to flee cannot; there are snipers everywhere. 

From The Guardian:

Ms. Colvin's last report:

"I think the reports of my survival may be exaggerated," she wrote. "In Baba Amr. Sickening, cannot understand how the world can stand by and I should be hardened by now. Watched a baby die today. Shrapnel, doctors could do nothing. His little tummy just heaved and heaved until he stopped. Feeling helpless. As well as cold! Will keep trying to get out the information."

Sayed's last posting:

On Tuesday night, Sayed also lodged a final missive. "Baba Amr is being exterminated. Do not tell me our hearts are with you because I know that. We need campaigns everywhere across the world and inside the country. People should protest in front of embassies and everywhere. Because in hours, there will be no more Baba Amr. And I expect this message to be my last."

I had seen Sayed on a couple of national tv news shows.  He was trying to save his country and his people from being destroyed by a dictator intent on retaining power at all costs.

He was a true citizen journalist and an example of how speaking out can inform and create change. 


SeaTeach said…
I just felt like someone needed to comment on this.

Yes. The people who are making use of the internet to more tightly weave this world, to share information, to expose wrongs and reveal opportunities, those people are important.

What's happening in Syria defies my imagination. Today I watched my children ride bikes up and down the sidewalk in the February sunshine. I thought about dinner - chicken or pasta? I pet the dog and tried to remember his last bath. I examined the newly planted apricot tree for buds. I can't imagine what those mothers are enduring.

I appreciate that on this site full of debate and, sometimes too often, the things that separate us who have so much in common, you have taken a moment to remind us that worrying about the options for Advanced Learning are a privilege.

There are places in this world where citizen journalism is being silenced for political reasons, or for reasons of tragic violence, and because of that I'm reminded that regardless of whether or not you speak for me, what you say is important. And so, appreciated.

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