Calf to Visit Seattle Schools

No joke.

From SPS:

The Washington State Dairy Princess and a baby calf are visiting Seattle elementary schools this week to share the story of dairy’s farm-to-table journey and the benefits of dairy and calcium for children’s growing bodies.

The visit is part of the Washington Grown Harvest of the Month program, designed to engage students in a variety of settings where nutrition education can have the biggest impact -- the classroom, cafeteria and home. Each month, a Washington-grown item will be showcased; in February, the highlight is on dairy products.

When and where:

Tuesday, Feb. 14  Roxhill Elementary, 9430 30th Ave. S.W. 98126

Wednesday, Feb. 15  Greenwood Elementary, 144  N.W. 80th 98117

Thursday, Feb. 16th, Montlake Elementary, 2409 22nd Ave East

All appearances will be in the cafeteria from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Why: This program is  offered through a Centers for Disease Control and Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant, secured by Seattle Public Schools. Seattle Schools promotes healthy eating and active living through a collaboration between nutrition services, health education, physical education and risk management departments.

A baby calf AND a Dairy Princess.  Sounds good and I'm sure the kids will get a real kick out of this.  


Benjamin Leis said…
I read the post title and first thought it was a joke.

In all seriousness if you're designing a nutrition outreach program what's the point of visiting a small percentage of the elementary schools. It seems like it should happen at all of them.

dan dempsey said…
WOW I misread the headline.

I thought that Calif. was visiting WA schools.

Hey in this education game things are regularly pretty strange.
Anonymous said…
Dairy is not good for people. I'm not wild about the Dairy Association indoctrinating our kids. We wouldn't stand for Frito Lay coming in w/ chip nutritional brainwashing.

-v. dairy
Anonymous said…
They don't plan on visiting any of the South East schools?
How surprising!

A Mom
Anonymous said…
That may be easily solved by inviting them if you'd like them to visit.

Two and a half years to go

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