Moving Short Film on New Jersey Parents Saying No to PARCC

A great short film by filmmaker Michael Elliott with many diverse parents voices explaining about how their children are reacting, their own insights into researching the PARCC test and how they are saying no.

Worth less than 5 minutes of your time to watch.


Anonymous said…
Everyone seeking to learn more about the tests that are going to be administered in Seattle and the ins and outs of refusing them are invited to the Seattle Opt Out Group's next two meetings. All are welcome!

March 9, 6pm, at the Montlake Library. We will hear from two Washington Badass Teachers on how opt out works, what to expect. Q and A after a PP presentation.

March 12, 6pm, at the Southwest Library. We will hear educators and activists Jesse Hagopian and Fred Hamel discuss high stakes testing and the implications it is having on our children, teachers and families. Bring your thoughts and questions!

More at:

And thank you Melissa, for posting this great video! We are sharing it.

Anonymous said…
Students protested PARCC in Albuquerque this morning:

- seafarer

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