Seattle Audubon Society looking for help for SPS Schools

Seattle Audubon Society is currently looking for volunteers for our Finding Urban Nature (FUN) program. FUN introduces 3rd and 4th grade students to the interconnections between producers, consumers, and decomposers in the schoolyard habitat. Volunteers lead small groups of students through hands-on outdoor lessons. Four lessons in the spring and four more in the fall give students a chance to fully explore the schoolyard habitat, proving that nature is around us no matter where we live, work, and play. We serve 12 Seattle Public Schools located throughout Seattle.
-The FUN program relies upon 120 volunteers each school year. We currently still need almost 50 volunteers to meet our needs for the spring 2015 program!
-Volunteers devote about two hours a week for four weeks in the spring and/or fall.
-Volunteers lead a group of 4-6 students through each lesson with the support of the school's FUN Team Leader and classroom teachers.
-No previous teaching or science background is required - and volunteers often report that they have as much fun and learn just as much as the students do!
-Apply as soon as possible to be a part of spring FUN starting in April!
-Training sessions will be held on March 24th, 28th, and 30th. Reply NOW to get more information and to sign up for a training session!

Hanae Bettencourt, (206) 523-8243 ext. 18



Jet City mom said…
Thanks for posting this Melissa.
I am a steward with People for Puget Sound, but have been looking for something less physical than wrangling invasive plants. Those blackberries bite back!

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