Please Consider Supporting RBHS IB Student Travel

From Rainier Beach High's IB coordinator,  Cambrie Nelson:

Dear interested community members,

Rainier Beach High School students are transforming the very nature of education inSouth East Seattle. Equipped with the new International Baccalaureate Program and their personal experiences as educational muses, our youth are surging ahead to become some of the most potent global leaders in the region and beyond. A cohort of students have been selected to pursue a unique opportunity in Barcelona, Spain this summer-- the International Baccalaureate World Conference. For a week in July, these students will join 200 other change-makers from across the world in Global Action Teams to examine the theme of "Technology in the Global Society".

My name is Cambrie Nelson and I am writing as the Community Outreach Coordinator for the International Baccalaureate Program at Rainier Beach High School. I am humbly asking you to support our student leaders' quest to attend this conference.

With the hard work of its faculty, administration, parents, neighbors, and community partners, Rainier Beach High School is proud of its students' commitment to take ownership of transformation, to become its voice, its face, its documentarians. In this same vein, we view this opportunity to attend the World Conference as an opportunity to equip our youth with further training, support, and growth to lead this charge. We hope you'll continue to partner with us in this journey!

We are seeking your financial support towards our fundraising goal of $50,000.  

There are several ways to give-- whether a few dollars, a sponsorship of a student ($2000), or an in-kind donation. We are grateful for any contribution and will recognize your generosity with a personalized gift from the students. We will also appoint you as an Honorary IB Community Ambassador, making you eligible to join us on future trips.

If you are at all interested, please donate or contact me through our IB World Conference website: .

Thank you for your consideration,
 Cambrie Nelson

IB Community Outreach Coordinator
Rainier Beach High School


Anonymous said…
How exciting!

I'm in! Just donated through their webpage.

Go Rainier Beach Vikings!

I applaud your efforts to pursue your global dreams and I consider myself fortunate to be able to directly contribute to your community to directly support student achievement.

I hope you reach your goal soon. Please consider posting on the Stranger Slog under Education as that has a broad readership and your direct appeal is, well, appealing :)

Best Wishes,
G Herman

For those interested and able to also support these kids:

How To Donate: For direct monetary donations using a debit or credit card, please donate online through Urban Impact's website:

Make checks payable to: Urban Impact (Write "IB Program" in the memo line) 7728 Rainier Avenue South Seattle, WA 98118

For in-kind donations (such as airline miles) please: Email Cambrie Nelson with the nature and details of your donations at
SusanH said…
Cambrie: you should post this plea on the Columbia City Facebook page, and on various Nextdoor sites. I live in Rainier Beach, and I know everyone in South Seattle is routing for this school and this program, yet this is the first I've seen of this request.

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