First School Board Debate (and other School Board Election News)

 Update: the LWV forum is to be in conjunction with the Seattle Council PTSA.

end of update

I have been diligently keeping my ear to the ground for School Board debates but the City Council races have been able to suck most of the attention of many groups.  But naturally, the solid citizens of League of Women Voters are having a forum.

It's Thursday, October 8th from 7-8:30 pm at the First Baptist Church at 1111 Harvard Avenue (Capitol Hill).  

According to my information, all the School Board candidates have sent in their RSVP except for District 1, Scott Pinkham and Michael Christophersen.

In other news:
- District 1 - Scott Pinkham got the endorsement from the 43rd (by 90%). Michael Christophersen was not on the ballot (presumably because he's not a Democrat but the group also could have voted "no endorsement" and did not). Pinkham also has the endorsement of the 36th Dems.  He still has no website or Facebook page. But there is this YouTube video of his interview with the 36th Dems.

- District 2 - Rick Burke - Previously endorsed by the 43rd and 46th and now with endorsement of the 36th as well.  Burke's YouTube video of his interview with the 36th Dems.

In case you missed it, District 2 candidate, Laura Gramer, now has a webpage.   She's endorsed by the 34th Dems as well as former School Board director, Irene Stewart.

- District 3 - Jill Geary has the endorsement of the 43rd as well as the 32nd, 36th as well as the King County Young Democrats.  She also received the endorsement of Senator Bob Sasegawa.

Geary's Voter Statement at Seattle Channel.

Lauren McGuire.  Interesting comparison (for whatever it's worth) - McGuire has mostly elected (or formerly elected) officials' endorsements while Geary has more LD endorsements. McGuire's Voter Statement at Seattle Channel.

- District 6 - Leslie Harris continues to sweep up the legislative district endorsements.  I nominated her at the 43rd Dems this week and she won by about 65%.

It was interesting because I also nominated Jill Geary in District 3 and mentioned that Director Peters was endorsing Geary and Peters had been the only Board director to vote no on the Superintendent's request to be able to take legal action against the teachers.  Marty McLaren, in her statement to the group, talked about her collaboration but said that she didn't want to vote against the Board action because it would be divisive. Going along to get along, rather than voting your conscience, particularly when you were a teacher yourself, is troubling.

As well Harris has the endorsement of:
- National Women's Political Caucus of Washington State
- 32nd, 34th, 36th Legislative Districts
- Ron Sims, Betty Patu, former City Council member Tina Podlodowski

Harris' Voter Statement at Seattle Channel.

KING-5 had a story on the elections.  They spoke to Lauren McGuire, Harris and Geary.

Editor's note: I tried to put in a video - from any source - for each candidate.  I could not find any for Christophersen or Gramer from any source.  If you have one, please post the link.  I did not include McLaren as there is a lot of video on her.


Anonymous said…
Here is the Eventbrite link for the School Board Candidate Forum:

Linh-Co said…

There is a Seattle School Board Candidates Forum hosted by League of Education Voters on Thursday, September 24 from 6-9pm at the First AME Church.
Unknown said…
I have read your blog very carefully and get knowledgeable point from here. Thanks. I will be come back to your next post. Good luck!!!Debate Forums
Leo said…
I'm not sure why Peaslee and Kay Smith-Blum are supporting McGuire. They claim that McGuire will be the candidate that will work well with others. This, from the Geary campaign:

"My opponent has been spreading some misinformation about me and my campaign. I can assure you these attacks aren't true. I'm sad that it has come to this. I've asked her to take responsibility for her actions and run on issues rather than attacks. Tomorrow is the big day and no matter what the outcome is, I am grateful. You all have been on this incredible journey with me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We have so much work to do to ensure every child in Seattle gets the education they deserve. My last request is that you make sure your friends and neighbors have turned in their ballots and join me in standing up against the status quo. Thank you for everything. Jill"

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