Where Are the Teachers Strike Negotiations?
From KPLU's Kyle Stokes, a low-tech assessment about salary increases for SPS teachers (looks pretty close except for the when):
Stokes added (later): Adding a caveat to my little legal pad table: the 1.8% state COLA in '16-17 is one-time
Stokes added (later): Adding a caveat to my little legal pad table: the 1.8% state COLA in '16-17 is one-time

The numbers are close but they happen in two years versus three...isn't that a big difference?
Anyone know if they're even bargaining today?
If they maintain current numbers but for a two year contract, they are about 3.7% apart.That's actually closer than what K. Stokes is showing (in a tweet, using their math, he reports it as 4.3% apart). Hopefully the negotiators are using the real numbers, not the ones that are fluffed up for the public.
I wish someone would explain the difference between Access and regular sped.I've only just learned about Access but I don't know what determines Access over regular sped.
Fine Print
I was at the Sped/ESA march at JSCEE this morning. About 100 teachers, parents & students were marching though I think that included some families there for the "school-in". Media did some interviews.
I know that ESA caps & Special ed ratios are the number one concern for teachers at my school. I don't understand why media isn't picking it up though.
I do fear that will be the sacrifice in this negotiation.
-Sped volunteer
Inclusion Now
Be honest, at what point exactly would we - who aren't teachers - have said "Take this job and SHOVE IT where...(your choice here)!" to Mr. Guaranteed-Contract-$276,000-per-year-basepay-Superintendent-Nyland's disrepectful, dishonest nickel-and-diming?
Why do we ask teachers to AGAIN take the sacrifice for kids, and make no such demand of Mr Nyland and his well paid team, who claims to be only thinking about our children?
You could start by helping pro-SPED candidates get elected. Look very closely to which candidates truly support SPED and then you can spread the word. Once the strike is over it will be business as usual for SPED at SPS. There are several very strong pro SPED candidates and without them SPED is doomed.
you have some concerns/problems/want help for your kids, teachers or admistrators?
Honest questions, y'all. I always ask teachers because most of the administration don't know my kid from the man in the moon (last year I emailed the big wigs 9 times, talked with 4 different people, got only one.single.reply. from one person (others said they'd get back to me, still waiting, maybe they're having problems booting up their computers), and he gave me the wrong information, because he mixed up my younger child with sibling going to a DIFFERENT school! Just wondering if I and all the parents I've talked to with similar sad tales are in the minority.
SPS rank-and-file staff are lovely though, helpful and hard working. Almost like SPS pays premiums for incompetence on purpose!
It's the sad, sad state of affairs we get when we treat education as a profit making business.
You can look up individual teachers at this site. I was glad that most were in 65+ range some in the 80k (not including benefits)
Average Salary: $48,563.72
‹ All districts
Seattle Public Schools
Enrollment, 2010-2011 (pre-K thru 12th): 47,696
Total Salary: $287,302,971.00
Average Salary: $48,563.72
See all 5,916 employees › Highest paid individuals, 2013-2014
Person Salary Bonuses/Stipends Insurance Benefits Total Comp.
Jose L Banda
$269,999 $700 $9,852 $280,551
Charles Edward Wright
Deputy/Assist. Supt.
$190,650 $700 $10,296 $201,646
Lester Thomas Herndon
Deputy/Assist. Supt.
$176,442 $450 $9,852 $186,744
Ronald English
$176,444 $0 $10,296 $186,740
Paul A Apostle
$176,443 $0 $10,296 $186,739
Pegi M. Mcevoy
$176,443 $0 $10,296 $186,739
Michael F Tolley
Deputy/Assist. Supt.
$176,443 $0 $9,852 $186,295
Susan Lee Wright
$155,768 $0 $10,296 $166,064
Lesley A Rogers
$142,144 $0 $10,296 $152,440
Clover Codd
$142,020 $0 $10,296 $152,316