Seattle Schools This Week

Editor's Note; there are two important groups of meetings over the next three weeks.  One is for the Feb. 2016 renewal levies for Operations and BTA IV, the other group is for Bell Times Analysis.  If both issues are important to you, plan accordingly.

I would love for staff not to eat up 30+ minutes explaining the levies and just give an overview and have more Q&A for the ENTIRE group (not just 20 minutes and then force everyone to ask any further questions one-on-one.)

Monday, September 21
Community meeting on Operations and BTA IV levies
Martin Luther King Jr. lunchroom from 6:30-8:00 pm

Wednesday, September 23rd
2-Hour Early Dismissal

School Board meeting, starting at 4:15 pm.  Agenda 
I'll do a separate thread on the agenda.  It is a large agenda with a fair amount of money going out the door for various settlements.  (I believe that the district should have to put a * next to every item that costs new money to the district.) 

Thursday, September 24th
Community meeting on Operations and BTA IV levies
 Ingraham High School from 6:30-8:00 pm

Saturday, September 26th
School Board Retreat, 9:30am to 2:45 pm, JSCEE

Monday, September 28th
Community meeting on Operations and BTA IV levies
West Seattle High School lunchroom

Director McLaren community meeting from 6 pm - 7:45 pm, Delridge Branch Library

Tuesday, September 29th
Community meeting on Operations and BTA IV levies
 Roosevelt High School lunchroom

Community meeting on Bell Times
Chief Sealth High School from 6:30-7:30 pm

Wednesday, September 30th
Community meeting on Operations and BTA IV levies
 Bailey Gatzert Elementary

Community meeting on Bell Times
Ingraham High School from 6:30-7:30 pm 

Thursday, October 1
Community meeting on Bell Times
MLK, Jr. Elementary lunchroom from 6:30-7:30 pm 

Friday, October 2
Community meeting on Bell Times
Washington Middle School from 6:30-7:30 pm 

Editor's note; it is highly unusual for the district to schedule any meeting, no less a community meeting, on a Friday night  


Linh-Co said…
There is a Seattle School Board Candidates Forum hosted by League of Education Voters on Thursday, September 24 from 6-9pm at the First AME Church.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Linh-Co, that's an odd thing.

I had checked at LEV's website last week and there's nothing about it. I checked right now. Nothing. There is also nothing on their Facebook page.

Other sponsors: Tabor 100 (business), Seattle Alliance for Black School Educators, Coalition of Immigrants, Refugees and Communities of Color and A. Phillip Randolph Institute/Seattle - zip.

So I'm sure Linh-Co is right that there is a forum but they either want it unattended, attended by a select crowd or it got thrown together quite hastily.

Here's their list of possible topics:

College and Career readiness
Achievement gap
Disaggregated data on all students
Achievement gap
Disaggregated student data
Common Core and assessments
Disproportionality in school discipline
Inclusion and diversity
Recruitment of educators of color
Special education and gifted programs

They have two data categories which is intriguing.

You also have to RSVP to go. Also odd.
Watching said…
"They have two data categories which is intriguing."

I'm finding the data category intriguing, too. There is one candidate that is all about data. This candidate has not made their positions known regarding testing etc.
Anonymous said…
Watching, do we have to guess? Can't you just tell us?

Voting Parent
Linh-Co said…
It is an odd thing they are not advertising it. The request for attendance from LEV was August 27th. It wasn't a last minute thing. There's also nothing on the event on the First AME church's website.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Again, Linh-Co, they want a certain audience and want to know who is coming.

That's not a public forum.
Anonymous said…
It's interesting, because I was told directly by LEV leadership that LEV is not interested in school board elections. I was told LEV is now working at the city counsel level and state rep level.

Now, it turns out they want to hold a secret hush hush forum to possibly see which candidates might be with them. I wonder if this is because of the strike and the public lash out at the current board and administration?

Why would non LEV candidates even bother to attend?

Can we just show up to the meeting, if so will they let non LEV people in?


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