Terrible Crash on Aurora Bridge - Closed All This Evening

There was a terrible crash on the Aurora Bridge today at about 11 am between a Ride the Duck bus and a bus carrying North Seattle Community College students and staff. Four people were killed and many critically injured.  The Times is reporting that all those killed were from NSCC.  I called to find out if any Running Start students might have been on the bus but it appears the students were international students.

From SPS:
Buses heading out early, some already arriving at schools to prepare for delays due to bridge crash. We're notifying all 53,000 families.


Kate Martin said…
This is truly tragic.

The Aurora Bridge is extremely dangerous with buses and wide rigs that can't fit in the narrow lanes or which shy away from the big concrete barriers on the outside lanes. Everyday I watch it when I ride the bus. Our bus often straddles the lane and it totally confuses drivers. Those wide rigs are a threat to the cars along side them and so if we're talking two wide rigs, it gets even worse.

Very sad.
mollyspringer said…
I understand blood donations are needed immediately, especially type O.
Carol Simmons said…
Kate is correct. This is truly tragic. Driving on the Aurora Bridge is extremely dangerous.

The Bridge lanes should be one lane only each way.
Anonymous said…
I suspect more than a few students will be home late tonight - routes are being reworked to reduce impact as much as possible, but there's just so many routes that every one can take, so patience is the word of the day. KIRO reporting tow trucks are arriving, and then SDOT has to inspect the bridge for damage. Crazy day.

Blood donor info here:

Andrea Leigh Ptak said…
My daughter left our home in the southend at 4:30 headed to her place in Greenwood. It took her over two hours. She drives that route regularly and said she hates driving in the lane closest to the median. Evidently, a barrier between the two directions was recommended quite some time ago. That's what the desire for federal low taxes gets us—neglected infrastructure.
seattle citizen said…
Lane next to barrier is spooky because of nearness of barrier; lane next to oncoming traffic is spooky because of nearness of traffic (closing speed at least 80mph...); lane between the two is scary because cars in lane on either side spook towards middle lane.
Reduce it to two lanes each way with a barrier between. Plenty of room for that, and it's two lane north of bridge, so why not across bridge?
seattle citizen said…
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