Looking for Photos of Seattle Schools Students
I'm looking for any parents willing to post photos of their Seattle Schools student (with first name and school). I'd like to post them here and tweet them.
Because the charter supporters are posting photos of sad charter students (who have been at their schools three weeks and they are schools with no history i.e. their siblings never attended) and how sad they are that their school might not go on.
Once again, I appreciate the difficulties this ruling has brought upon charter families and their staffs. (I have little sympathy for charter organizers and charter boards - they knew full well this could happen.) Of course, it's hard to regroup to a possibly new school and explain that to your child.
But the reality is that there are about 1,000 charter school students in the state. There are a million public school students in the state.
Those million? They have been waiting on fully-funded schools for years and years. Sped students? Still waiting for their needs to be met.
On balance, a thousand kids who have been in their schools three weeks does not pencil out against a million kids. I cannot understand the myopic thought process that would put one small group of students against the majority of them and believe that small group deserves public ed dollars more than the majority.
Because that's what it looks like they are saying.
I would like to show the faces of students in SPS who are waiting as well. They deserve to have their individual stories told.
I'm at sss.westbrook@gmail.com.
Update: tweets from WA Charter Schools Assn. and charter schools
Left : Soar Academy - right: Soar Academy Center: not sure Bottom: Excel

Because the charter supporters are posting photos of sad charter students (who have been at their schools three weeks and they are schools with no history i.e. their siblings never attended) and how sad they are that their school might not go on.
Once again, I appreciate the difficulties this ruling has brought upon charter families and their staffs. (I have little sympathy for charter organizers and charter boards - they knew full well this could happen.) Of course, it's hard to regroup to a possibly new school and explain that to your child.
But the reality is that there are about 1,000 charter school students in the state. There are a million public school students in the state.
Those million? They have been waiting on fully-funded schools for years and years. Sped students? Still waiting for their needs to be met.
On balance, a thousand kids who have been in their schools three weeks does not pencil out against a million kids. I cannot understand the myopic thought process that would put one small group of students against the majority of them and believe that small group deserves public ed dollars more than the majority.
Because that's what it looks like they are saying.
I would like to show the faces of students in SPS who are waiting as well. They deserve to have their individual stories told.
I'm at sss.westbrook@gmail.com.
Update: tweets from WA Charter Schools Assn. and charter schools

SPS parent.
I'm not sure I find it creepy but it's also not appropriate to their issue. I would like to counter that with the hundreds of thousands of real public school students waiting for their money under McCleary.
Just because another group is doing it doesn't make it right for you to follow in their steps.
Again, posted by parents/permission of parents and tweeted/Facebooked out to hundreds of thousands of people.
We support teachers but this is completely preventable. The charter ruling and now this. Isn't Linda Whitehead involved with First Place Scholars? She was the reason for the Marysville strike. Depending on how things go, you'll have photo ops with students and parents on the picket lines, just like Marysville.
Linda and Larry have a lot to talk about.