What's Up with SPS?
Final from West Seattle Blog (5:57 pm):
Update #4: West Seattle blog is reporting that the room has gotten quiet (this is 5:45 pm):
Very quiet in meeting room now. We can only speculate that COULD mean they're voting -we were told paper ballots, not voice vote
Update 3: West Seattle Blog is at the Machinists Hall, tracking the SEA discussion. Apparently, they heard applause and cheers but nothing definitive. Current Tweet (Wood is WEA spokesperson):
Rich Wood says it'll still be a while = lots of questions being asked.
Update 2: as of an hour ago, here is what SPS tweeted (but no verification from SEA):
For clarification, SPS & SEA agreed this morning school starts Thursday. SEA has 3 days to review & vote on the tentative agreement.
Update 1: as of an hour ago, the SEA had NOT agreed to the latest deal. I will track this on Twitter.
end of update
I was told at one of the press conferences that they had to be careful who they let in because one day last week, strikers surrounded the Superintendent's car as he was trying to leave. They sang a union song and then moved away. The district feels/felt that was a threat to him and decided to make things more secure at JSCEE
That escalated to the silly today when marchers came to JSCEE and a group of kids was trying to deliver letters to the Board about asking them to support fully-funded education in Washington State. The district locked the doors to headquarters (see this video).
Is SPS not open for business because of the strike? I appreciate that the Superintendent didn't like the strikers surrounding his car but they did not appear to me to be aggressive nor did I hear of ANY threats at all.
Then there's this from their actions today:
SEA reps voted to end the #SPSstrike
Update #4: West Seattle blog is reporting that the room has gotten quiet (this is 5:45 pm):
Very quiet in meeting room now. We can only speculate that COULD mean they're voting -we were told paper ballots, not voice vote
Update 3: West Seattle Blog is at the Machinists Hall, tracking the SEA discussion. Apparently, they heard applause and cheers but nothing definitive. Current Tweet (Wood is WEA spokesperson):
Rich Wood says it'll still be a while = lots of questions being asked.
Update 2: as of an hour ago, here is what SPS tweeted (but no verification from SEA):
For clarification, SPS & SEA agreed this morning school starts Thursday. SEA has 3 days to review & vote on the tentative agreement.
Update 1: as of an hour ago, the SEA had NOT agreed to the latest deal. I will track this on Twitter.
end of update
I was told at one of the press conferences that they had to be careful who they let in because one day last week, strikers surrounded the Superintendent's car as he was trying to leave. They sang a union song and then moved away. The district feels/felt that was a threat to him and decided to make things more secure at JSCEE
That escalated to the silly today when marchers came to JSCEE and a group of kids was trying to deliver letters to the Board about asking them to support fully-funded education in Washington State. The district locked the doors to headquarters (see this video).
Is SPS not open for business because of the strike? I appreciate that the Superintendent didn't like the strikers surrounding his car but they did not appear to me to be aggressive nor did I hear of ANY threats at all.
Then there's this from their actions today:

Even if an agreement is reached today, the board and district have generated a lot of resentment and frustration among teachers and families that will continue to simmer. People I'm talking to are especially upset with the lack of funding for the schools/students/teachers when the district headquarters seem so bloated with overpaid staff/consultants. Why does the board stand for this?
With the exception of Sue Peters, they seem to have completely lost sight of their mission. They think they're meant to be the best friends of the district staff and the superintendent they ordained on the sly. I hope the voters remember all this when the election rolls around. Out with all but Peters, and out with Nyland.
BTW, the video link didn't work for me. If there's a way to repost, that would be great. I watched the crowd walk (very peacefully)down 1st and up Lander chanting "bring back school." It was mostly moms, dads and elementary age kids- hardly a menacing mob...
-Frustrated parent
-Frustrated parent
A small group of us met last weekend to talk about what to do in response to the amazing outpouring of support for our teachers in Seattle, and how to harness that energy now that more and more parents are realizing just how broken our education funding is.
Apparently our legislators say they don't hear from people on this issue. Unsurprising - it's hard to manage a public advocacy campaign when you can't even get your 5 year old to put on his or her pants fast enough to get to school on time (we've all been there as parents, haven't we?)...So our response was to create this group, as a focal point for the conversation about fully funding education, and to push that demand forward.
We are still very new (less than 60 hours old ) and we're scrambling to get things going. Please get on Facebook and join us!
-NW Voter
It was the accordian, wasn't it? https://www.facebook.com/SocialEqualityEducators/videos/10203763263880904/?pnref=story
Okay, so the guy in the front acts a bit menacing, but only after Nyland taps him with his car.
Accepting the terms of a MOU with Bill Gates is another example of::::::>
#Lawless Nyland
-full text from SEA
The Teachers vote within 72 hours of the TA and they need a facility large enough to hold those coming to vote.
So officially the strike is "suspended" and is based on the final vote when that is scheduled w/in the window.
And the building recriminations and nastiness will begin by Monday at the latest.
Wow is that Jonathan Knapp a pill
- "Union" Member
Frustrated teacher
Visit Projected Salary Schedules based on proposals from each side of the bargaining table
This will be helpful for understanding the difference between 2%, 3.2%, 4% (where SPS was at the beginning of the week) and 3%, 2%, 4.5% (the agreed-on numbers).
Hey hey, ho ho, let's kick the can on down the road....
Sped inquirer
So far we no none of them. NONE of them. Generalizations and vague concepts yes.. specifics no.
Meanwhile back in the real world the ugliness will come down to he/she/they said and did! The posturing and grandstanding will be fun stuff to watch for those vying for union gigs in the year ahead. I got my money on a fame seeker from Garfield. And not the mom who should be the one as she is awesome and actually gives info. Thanks!
Rook is my new favorite. This is not much different from Game of Thrones only with less hot people.
"Union" Member
Hey, speak for yourself! I'm MUCH hotter than those people on Game of Thrones. And less likely to die at the drop of a hat.
Do you wear fur and leather and have dragons? I can see that one going well in the Teachers' Lounge.
I am voting for Garfield Mom as head of the Union and Rook as a rep. Veteran Sub you can of course be the sub should they not be able to fulfill their duties
And this may be the best thread ever!
"Union" Member
I choose Jonathan Knapp as my champion.
For weapons, I choose complete absence of objectivity & an utter lack of respect for rank & file SEA membership. I was in that room today and saw the havoc he wrought with those humble tools.
I accept your challenge. My champion will be randomly chosen from the current allotment of GOP Presidential candidates.
"Union" Member,
If I gave details about my fur & leather and/or reptilian companions, I'd probably get thrown out of teaching. Someone would say I'm a bad influence on kids or something.
This is going to be a building to building battle that rivals Game of Thrones for superiority and divisiveness. Can't wait!
Call me Mother of Dragons or "Union" Member
Educators stayed strong throughout the strike, and the parents, by and large, supported us. I believed in parent-power from the beginning, and I feel confirmed in my belief.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm a little tired, and I'd like to step away from blogging for a time. I'm thrilled to be returning to the classroom and overjoyed to be seeing my students soon.
David Edelman
At what point last night did the roofies get dropped?"
We saved you some! Grab a helmet and a feather boa and LET'S DO THIS.
"Student day increase beginning in 2017-18: “Student day is extended 20 minutes each day, within the 7.5 hour teacher workday; students are released one hour early (or arrive one hour late) once per week. Net increase in student instructional time, 22-25 minutes per week. Building Leadership Teams still set the school schedule just as they do now."
That's crazy! So parents and childcare options will be disrupted every week by a late start or early dismissal. Could this be more complicated and inconvenient. Blows me away parents don't get a voice in these discussions...
- B
I cannot figure out what happened to the bargaining team to have them make such concessions. Or perhaps I was naive to believe that what they said they expected to have in the agreement was really what they meant. A little bit of movement is one thing. It seems like they made a huge shift and the district barely wiggled.
Let me check my in box again to see that I have the specifics.. nope well I guess they are busy.
Well I am a
"Union" member
The district seems to have spent more than planned but didn't get totally hosed either.
Looks like a lot of good faith bargaining from both sides.
Oh, and no STUDENT GROWTH RATINGS! That, my friends, is huge. I think this is a celebration across the board. Teachers, you should have a good list from your picket/strike captains.
Relieved Parent/Teacher
Why is this necessary?
Cannot a once or twice a month faculty meeting when coupled with email make due?
Or is it for more Top-Down directives like the fake Professional Learning Community concept?
Do not tell me it is for Professional Development.
PD such a waste.
... Because the current gurus of ed reform are "not into the details of teaching".
Those gurus make the PD decisions.
OH now I get it... the teachers will not have enough time after school to collaborate because the SPS is going to extend the school day but not the contracted teacher work day.
The SEA bought this plan? You must be kidding!!
Time for a parent revolt.
-- Dan Dempsey
That is quite an accomplishment. Getting the SPS to end the pushing of a completely unreliable practice in which there is not a large enough sample size to produce a result that has any statistical significance.
Good job -- any chance this could spread to other SPS practices that are irrational?
-- Dan Dempsey
Let's celebrate!
Not celebrating.
*That* of all things ought to be something that parents are consulted on. VERY disappointed in SEA for shafting us on that after all the support we've been giving our teachers this week.
I thought the student day wouldn't be changing until 2017-18. What is changing for high school this year?
"The UW chapter of the American Association of University Professors has adopted the following statement of support for Seattle’s K-12 teachers as they negotiate a contract with the Seattle Public School district.
UW AAUP supports Seattle’s K-12 teachers
The mission of the UW Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is to advance academic freedom and shared governance. In this, we share with our colleagues in K-12 education the value of faculty engaged in defining the fundamental values and standards for education, promoting the economic security and working conditions of all educational workers, and in setting the standards and procedures that maintain quality in education. Founded in 1918, the UW AAUP chapter has worked with allies to shape public education in Washington State by opposing privatization and corporate control, promoting diversity and equity, and advocating for accessible, high-quality education.
The UW AAUP concludes the Seattle educators are making reasonable demands, which include professional pay, workload relief, fair evaluation, and a focus on issues important to improving the quality of education (time for student recess, reduced standardized testing, and new student equity and discipline strategies to eliminate racial disparities). Faculty are best positioned to advise the district on matters pertaining to educational policy.
Seattle educators have sacrificed for six years with no pay raises from Olympia, while the Legislature remains in contempt of the Supreme Court’s requirement to fulfill the State Constitutional “paramount duty" directive to "make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders."
THEREFORE, the UW Chapter of AAUP stands in support of SEA contract proposals for the schools Seattle’s children deserve, and stands in opposition to any attempts to force SEA members back to work through legal sanctions.
Amy Hagopian,
AAUP Secretary
Amy Hagopian, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Community Oriented Public Health Practice
University of Washington School of Public Health
Box 357660, Seattle WA 98195-7660"
To teachers, please don't let yourselves be pressured into accepting this contract if you have reservations. Don't allow SPS illegal, premature and manipulative statement re schools starting on Thursday to force you into voting for this contract if you don't think it's a fair one.
Ugh, so disgusted by how manipulative and bullying SPS has been throughout this process. Has Central Admin always been this creepy and conscienceless?
These figures are "unofficial" in that I haven't quadruple checked my numbers.
To recap:
3%, 1.8%, 0% (unknown if legislature will provide COLA in 2017-18)
Agreed on raises
3%, 2%, 4.5%
Reported increase over length of contract (from media, and among the public)
After applying math:
Actual percentage increases year over year (projected)
4.8%, 2.98%, 3.59%
Actual percentage increase over length of contract (projected)
More analysis to follow over on the other website.
In a word "YES".
This behavior underscores the support parents and students have for he teachers and the SEA. I think parents put up with abuse from the central administration because we never always knew for sure if teachers are happy with the situation. Seeing that they are not has triggered an explosion of support among parents. My only hope is that the SEA has not squandered this support.
*30 “equity teams” – 10 schools the first year, 10 more the second year, 10 more the third year.
*Also re: equity: “Partnership Committee between SPS, SEA, and community reps to eliminate disproportionate discipline”
*SEA and SPS will determine how the lost days are made up
*Compensation – same raises for certificated, SAEOPs, paraprofessionals
-3.0% raise now, with 3% added state COLA
-2.0% raise in 2016, with 1.8% added state COLA
-4.5% raise in 2017
*Recess, as previously reported, at least 30 minutes per day “during the student instructional day”
*Calendar: Full midwinter break every year, school starts first Wednesday in September, “rules to develop calendar in any year so staff and families can plan ahead”
*Re: testing, “no more Seattle student growth rating … evaluation language updated … SEA and SPS agree to jointly petition (state) regarding use of focused scores”
Student day increase beginning in 2017-18: “Student day is extended 20 minutes each day, within the 7.5 hour teacher workday; students are released one hour early (or arrive one hour late) once per week. Net increase in student instructional time, 22-25 minutes per week. Building Leadership Teams still set the school schedule just as they do now.
Pay for longer student day: 100 minutes – 60 paid as collaboration, 15-18 paid as prep, 13.3 paid as tech, 10 paid as .5% of 3rd year raise.
Special Education: Special Ed preschool ratio lowered to 10:1:2, Distinct (social/emotional) classrooms lowered to 7:1:2, Special Ed Task Force will review special ed coasts; savings will be redirected to reduce employee workloads. Special Ed Team to decide on Instructional Assistant deployment when students are grouped across classrooms in a building.
ESA Caseloads: Enforceable caseload ratios for the first time.
R Parent
Odd that there is no mention of Access staffing ratios in the West Seattle Blog - are they saying nothing because it is really bad, or did they somehow agree to settle it later rather than defining the ratios now?
Mom of 4
-another anti-mid-winter-break-er
Honestly, I don't think that's right.
School before Labor Day is just not right.
As a parent I think it's annoying, but Lake Washington and Northshore all seem to be getting on fine with it so it might not be as annoying as I expect. No less annoying than the random 2 hour early dismissals and all of the other random school days off is already anyway.
North Seattle
Some remaining issues mentioned on twitter include MS Sped Access ratios, nurse caseloads and the extra 20 minutes.
As I look at future calendars, the next year that the 1st Wednesday of September is not the Wednesday after Labor Day will be 2020. I'll be done with SPS by then, but that will be the next contract period so anyone who feels strongly about it can try advocating for a change next negotiation period.
The appropriations in this section are subject to the following conditions and limitations: (1) Funding in this section is sufficient to provide a salary increase of 3.0 percent effective September 1, 2015, and 1.8 percent effective September 1, 2016. Of the salary increases provided in this section, the increases of 1.8 percent effective September 1, 2015, and of 1.2 percent effective September 1, 2016, are provided as annual cost-of-living adjustments pursuant to Initiative Measure No. 732. The remaining portions of the salary increases are provided as a one-biennium salary increase for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years as the state continues to review and revise state-funded salary allocations, and the increase expires August 31, 2017.
--Baile Funk
The legislature isn't technically taking anything back.
Citizen Kane
1.8% will not carry over into the next biennium if they make no COLA or other adjustments. It is "temporary" unless the next legislature makes it "permanent."
The effect of the above is that base salary will increase year 1, increase year 2, then decrease year 3. They aren't technically taking back the 1.8%. They don't have to, it happens automatically unless they do something. If the current legislature had made the entire COLA pursuant to I-732, it would all carry over.
True, the current legislature can't obligate the next to maintain any of it. Heck, they could throw out the entire budget and start from scratch. I don't think that's gonna happen though.