Go See This!

Race to Nowhere
Tuesday, 10/26
6:30 Film; 8:00 Community Discussion
@ Nova
300 20th Ave E, 98112
tix at: racetonowhere.com

This film shines a light on the high-stakes testing that has replaced
meaningful teaching and learning.

Race to Nowhere has been featured on CNN, Oprah and last week the
Washington Post said “the film is playing as a quiet counterpoint to
the better-known Waiting for Superman."


Charlie Mas said…
And while you are there, take note of The NOVA Project, one of the best-kept secrets in Seattle Public Schools.
Chris S. said…
Would you recommend bringing a middle-schooler to the movie? Totally relevant to their next 4-6 years but give me some selling points here...
owlhouse said…
I think it is an appropriate film for MS and definitely for HS kids. Of course, I think we should be engaging our children in the the conversation. What is education? Why is this valuable or not? How do you take care of yourself under stress, how do you help others? How do you set goals, recover from failure?

The film speaks to the stress kids are under- the pressures from schools, families and from themselves. We hear from a cast of characters who both manage and fail under the expectations. We hear from experts about the risks of such developmentally inappropriate practices as 1 hr homework per night/per class. We see kids from upper end private schools and urban center public schools talk about what's at stake for them, for their futures.

It's powerful, affirming, and energizing. It's also painful, frightening and concerning. I don't want to say too much- but the the trailer on the website paints the picture.

GreyWatch said…
Villa Academy is also showing the film on Nov. 4:
Event Info
Unknown said…
A couple of years ago I either read a book or watched a documentary about the games many kids play to burnish their college applications -- including subjecting themselves to incredible punishment by participating in everything (whenever possible in a leadership capacity), doing whatever it takes to earn A's ideally in all-honors courses (and much of "whatever" sounded pretty unethical to me), and completely sucking up to get excellent letters of reference. I tried about 10 searches but couldn't' find the title. But if I ever find it I will post it. It was eye opening.

NOVA is a treasure in our system. It has its own flaws (an intolerance of kids who, for example, decide to enter the military), but its a terrific place that fits many interesting, creative, smart, often-non-conformist, kids incredibly well.
I LOVE Nova and its supporters. During Closure and Consolidation, those people worked like crazy to give us information and history about Nova. Their graduates were crazy about their high school (and you don't see that a lot). There has to be a Nova in every school system for different kinds of learners and thinkers.
Sahila said…
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