Silly Bandz Ban?

Urgent request for info: anybody know of any elementary school in SPS that has banned Silly Bandz? I have a reporter trying to see if any of our schools have gone this far.


seattle said…
I haven't heard of a ban. If they are banned, I wonder why? My middle schooler wears them (lot of them) every day.
Patrick said…
My 4th grader wears them. No ban here.

I'm not sure why a school would need to ban them.
none1111 said…
Have read about bans in other areas, but have not heard of anything here in Seattle so far.

The post made me laugh a little though. Somehow, I find the thought of "urgent" and "silly bandz" together in the same sentence kind of funny!
Anonymous said…
In some kinder son's room. The silly bands are a pain in the patootie! The kids play with them, snap them, trade them around, apss them out to their friends, but not to their "not" friends. All fine on the playground, not during class meetings, table times etc. I think bans of most things are pretty silly, but I wouldn't mind some serious silly bandz discouragement! Besides, what are they made of? BPA? Sustainable? recyclable? Just more plastic crap?


WV says "maluries" Silly Bandz are bad lures!
CCM said…
Funny post -- my daughter came home with her first one from a friend yesterday (middle-school-er - obviously a late adopter).
She thinks they are very stupid - but accepted it as I believe it is a "social thing" right now.
No ban that I know of at the middle school level.
Anonymous said…
My younger child's teacher has requested no Silly Bandz coming to school - this is 1st grade. And it is a request, not a 'ban.' Agree with Anonymous - SLP. Incredibly distracting when you're talking about the age set that can't keep their hands to themselves to begin with.

1st grade mom who couldn't get my Google log-in to work
Tweetie Bird said…
No bans in our elementary or middle school. However, elementary school teacher finds them a distraction.
jp70 said…
I believe my kids'school has a ban from trading them at school, but can wear them unless teacher rules otherwise. I know the art teacher has strictly banned them from her class.
lh_dad said…
My daughter's teacher in 2/3 split has banned them from her classroom, but not so in my older daughter's classroom in the same school
Chris S. said…
Like any toy, I'd think the teacher would have the option of letting them stay in the locker during class!
Anonymous said…
I believe that West Woodland Ele has banned them.
JR_parent said…
Both of our daughters' individual teachers have banned them in their classroom.
zb said…
Our 1st graders teacher (not in SPS) has banned them. My kid reports that this was part of a class discussion (where they agreed that it would be better not to have them).

Yes, the problem is that they play and fuss with them (sometimes they snap off and fly across the room). They also trade them, and any of that kind of trading in school always has potential for problems. Anyone else remember the "Economics of Recess" episode of Recess (Monster Stickers become currency for trading).
Our private school has banned them. Too many kids wearing too many and they became a distraction.
Anonymous said…
West Woodland has banned them from school.
seattle citizen said…
Silly Bandz are passe'

The next new thing is formal wear.
Jan said…
Uh Oh. Is that why my kid wore a tux (no kidding) to school today?

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