Amplify's Struggles

Reader N provided this news about Amplify's tablet division via Diane Ravitch's blog.

Bloomberg News reports that Rupert Murdoch’s effort to cash in on education is “riddled with failures.” 

“The education effort has been riddled with technology failures, fragile equipment, a disconnect between tablet marketers and content developers, and an underestimation of how difficult it would be to win market share from entrenched rivals such as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Co. in the kindergarten to high school education market.

“Amplify’s experience shows how even the most deep-pocketed new players find it challenging to change the way children are taught. Billionaires such as Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates and real estate and insurance investor Eli Broad have expressed frustration their philanthropy hasn’t done more to improve student achievement. Murdoch is discovering his own challenges as he seeks to make a profit from overhauling education — as have other education entrepreneurs before him.”

From Mercedes Schneider's blog in a 2013 story about Amplify and Common Core:

Just a reminder of Murdoch’s comment upon his purchasing Wireless Generation in 2010. Pay attention to how he begins his comment:
When it comes to K through 12 education, we see a $500 billion sector in the U.S. alone that is waiting desperately to be transformed by big breakthroughs that extend the reach of great teaching,” said News Corporation Chairman and CEO, Rupert Murdoch in a statement.
When it comes to K-12 education, Rupert Murdoch “sees a $500 billion sector” first.
The “great teaching” part is not what is foremost in his mind.


Anonymous said…

Thanks for the update on Ampify.

I wonder if SPS will still use Amplify for their interim assessments next year. I have heard a principal say that Amplify assessments "help drive classroom instruction" and a teacher say that they have received little to no training on Amplify.

I've only looked at two ELA Amplify reports and couldn't really tell much. It would be better if the test questions and what my child answered came back home.

Does anyone think this test has been useful?

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