Friday Open Thread

Cute letter to President Obama from a 9-year old about having a woman on U.S. currency.  Don't forget to get your vote in.

Big NewsStanford just made tuition free for families earning less than $125,000 per year.

Problems at the dinner table with separating your family from technology? Pass the peppermill.

Mount Vernon High Schools resumes tulip tradition
Skagit Valley Herald
It's tulip time up north for Mount Vernon high schools - I love a good high school tradition.

More good news from Rainier Beach High School (as well as Garfield and Cleveland) - some of their students are volunteering to tutor at RB Library.  From Jerry Large at the Times:

Math Buddies started as a pilot project last fall to address some issues volunteers in the library’s homework-help program were seeing. 

Elementary-school students are paired with high-school students who lead games that help the younger students strengthen their math skills. 

The program’s benefits are expected to go beyond academics. The librarians visit schools, community centers and other venues recruiting teens. They don’t look for the top math students, because the teens will be working with elementary-level math. Instead, they look for students who live near the library. “We want the kids to see positive role models from their neighborhood.”  

What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
This is a brilliant analysis of the "reform" movement as experienced by an honest insider. "Jorge Cabrera was employed by the “education reform” organization Excel Bridgeport from 2012-2015–the organization on the front lines" in Bridgeport CT - until he saw started seeing through them.

Some things sound very familiar to what's going on in Seattle - including the push for mayoral control.

Resolution/SBAC said…

Directors Peters and Patu will resubmit resolution regarding SBAC. Similar to Vermont, Peters/Patu are asking that SBAC not be used for AYP. The resolution will be heard in C&I Committee on April 6th:
Resolution/SBAC said…
Heck, even Gates has called for a 2 year moratorium linking test scores called for a two-year moratorium on states or school districts making any high-stakes decisions based on tests aligned with the new standards.

Rancy Dorn, State Board of Education and our legislature are missing in action. Seattle Public Schools MUST lead this effort.
Anonymous said…
Dear Hamilton community,

Today I am pleased to announce the appointment of Tipton Blish as the new principal of Hamilton International Middle School, starting on July 1, 2015. Mr. Blish replaces Cindy Watters, who after three years at Hamilton and five years with Seattle Public Schools is leaving the district at the end of the school year to return to her prior career as an international educator.

Mr. Blish has served as Hamilton’s assistant principal for the past two years. Before coming to Hamilton, he served his administration internship at Ballard High School. He also taught language arts and held several other leadership positions at Ballard High.

Mr. Blish was chosen for this position through an extensive process in the Hamilton community that included the input and participation of staff, building leadership and Hamilton families. The group recommended Mr. Blish for the position because of his strong student interaction skills, his understanding of Hamilton’s complexity and opportunities, and his ability to foster a sense of place for all. Mr. Blish was then interviewed by Hamilton’s executive director of schools, the assistant superintendent of Human Resources, the assistant superintendent of Teaching and Learning and myself. We all agree that Mr. Blish has demonstrated a solid commitment to Hamilton and is ideally positioned to continue the great work at Hamilton.

Mr. Blish holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Middlebury College in Vermont and a master’s in teaching from Seattle University. He earned his administrative credentials and an Educational Specialist degree from Seattle University as well. He plans to hit the ground running, refining and implementing a leadership transition plan, preparing for growing enrollment, adding to Hamilton’s strong teaching staff and celebrating the great work of Ms. Watters and others in the Hamilton community leaving at the end of the school year.

I know you join me in expressing gratitude to Ms. Watters for her tremendous leadership. We wish her well on the next chapter of her educational career.

Thank you for the high expectations that you set for every student and for all that you do.


Larry Nyland
Seattle Public Schools

- HIMS parent
Anonymous said…
Read this yesterday and thought of Center School and poor Mr Greenberg. The article is from 1999! Plus ça change...
Anonymous said…
Oops, forgot to sign post @12:09am

Cameo, great article with many points that I have seen first-hand. It's a little frightening how most ed reformers speak the same way, shoving aside any questions or discussion. (On that note, however, look for my thread on two people who DID try.

CCA, a hugely interesting story link.I see the parallels with the Greenberg story but this one was even more difficult with its racism overlay. You have to wonder at a district that would not try to bring everyone together to save this school and its programs.
Lynn said…
News from the West Seattle Blog:
New Pathway Planned for Highly Capable Students
Lynn, thanks for this - I saw this a couple of days ago.
Anonymous said…
Help me, I have just seen an advertisement for SBAC. What is this world coming to? Sponsored by
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Partnership for Learning
Stand for Children Washington
Washington STEM
Excellent Schools Now
Washington State PTA
Council of Presidents
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Department of Early Learning
League of Education Voters
Democrats for Education Reform
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Office of Education Ombudsman
State Board of Education
The Parents Union
College Spark Washington
Schools Out Washington
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession
Washington Association of School Administrators
Washington Student Achievement Council
Washington State School Directors Association
Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Roundtable
Renton Technical College

Chris S.
Maureen said…
Wow, Washington State PTA. so glad my kid's school has a PTO and isn't paying the state PTA to lobby for the SBAC.
Anonymous said…
Where did they come up with these numbers?

"Sixty-eight percent of state residents support the new Common Core State Standards and 75 percent agree that the new assessments “are better geared to accurately measure what students really know and can do,” according to ReadyWA.

Part of this story in Renton paper

Officials urge parents not to 'opt out' of state tests

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