Florida - the Poster Children for Wacky Ed Reform

From Florida, a state where ed reform is almost completely out of control, two stories.

The first is a continuing issue of Florida's insistence on testing all students, even the most severely disabled.

From the Washington Post' Answer Sheet blog:

 This video  shows children with profound disabilities taking a standardized test called the Florida Alternate Assessment as required by the state but opposed by many of their teachers and parents. And below is a letter from the principal of another school serving students with similar disabilities explaining why forcing these youngsters to take the test is wrong.

I also have written about a boy named Michael, who was born without a complete brain yet still must take the Florida Alternate Assessment (here and here, for example).  

From the Daily Kos:

TALLAHASSEE — Without a word of debate Friday, the Florida House approved a controversial proposal that could require school districts to share tens of millions of dollars in construction funds with rival charter schools.

The bill that passed Friday would ensure charter schools receive about 40 percent of the amount traditional public schools can raise for construction and maintenance, Fresen said.

If the state does not provide enough money in the budget, as it has done in recent years, the school districts would have to make up the difference with their tax revenue.

And again, keep all this mind as BTA IV comes into play because any charter in Seattle before the election (First Place Scholars) will be able to claim their share of those dollars.  First Place is supposed to be part of the levy planning and funding distribution but I don't know when/how that is happening.  Maybe the district is crossing its fingers First Place will close.   (Summit Sierra will not be eligible as it will not start up - even though its charter has been approved - until after the levy passage. )

The bill was one of four high-profile education proposals that won the support of the Republican-dominated House to end the week. The others would:
•Ease the penalties for schools that fail to comply with the constitutionally mandated limits on class size.
•Create a pilot program to give principals more control over hiring and budget decisions.
•Encourage school districts to adopt mandatory school uniform policies for children in grades K-8 by offering incentive money.

All of the Democrats in attendance voted against the charter school bill, HB 7037. But none debated the measure on the floor


Anonymous said…

So all will be well for little Idriss, Jong, Henri and Dakota if only they wear uniforms; class size -- not so much.

It's not the connection to the teacher that matters; she/he will connect just fine regardless of whether there are 12 or 40 students in her/his class! All that matters is if they've got on a certain kind of pants.

Thanks, Florida, for helping me see the true priorities that will no doubt result in students being served well.

This is Jon Stewart level nuttiness.


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