Summer "Scratch" Camp Enrolling Now

From UW's Computer Science and Engineering department:

UW CSE’s DawgBytes offers elementary school students “a taste of CSE” in Scratch Adventures summer camp

UW CSE is thrilled to announce that we will once again offer elementary school students the opportunity to learn about computer science in a fun and inclusive environment as part of our DawgBytes summer camp lineup.

DawgBytes logoScratch Adventures is a day camp open to students entering grades 3, 4 or 5 who have no previous experience using the visual programming language Scratch. During the sessions, which will take place June 29-July 2 on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus, participants will learn how to design and program their own interactive stories, games and art projects while practicing critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration skills. Campers will share their creations with friends and family on the final day of camp.

The priority registration period for Scratch Adventures opens Thursday, April 9th.

 Learn more about this and our other DawgBytes summer camp offerings for middle and high school students here. And learn about our broad K-12 outreach program DawgBytes (“A Taste of CSE”) here.


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