One-Day Strike in SPS?

Update: I heard from SEA leadership.  There was a vote but it was only to allow building reps to consult with membership on this issue.  There has been no vote to strike nor is any vote imminent.  
End of update.

I'm getting word that the SEA has tentatively approved a one-day strike like other districts over the Legislature's lack of action around fully funding education.

 Eight districts are striking.  According to the Times, they are Lakewood, Arlington, Stanwood-Camano, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Bellingham,, Ferndale and Blaine.  Some are walking out on Wednesday, others may do their walk-outs in the weeks to come. 

Anyone hearing anything specific on when SEA might walk?


Anonymous said…
I would vote to NOT STRIKE but to somehow shame the legislature instead.

Sped Staffer
Michael Rice said…
This could be a huge problem for Ingraham, Sealth and Rainier Beach. IB exams start on Monday, May 4th.
Lynn said…
AP exams too. I don't think the SEA would walk out during exams. If they moved quickly they could do it next week.
Dora Taylor said…
What is happening is that the union reps are going back to their buildings, schools, and speaking to membership. The next step will be, after membership shows support to walk out, it will go to the board for a vote.

Knapp is just trying to spin it his way which doesn't seem to be the same way as his members.

The walkout will happen in mid to late May. About the testing schedule, testing has been going on from March and will not end until June so not to worry. I'm sure your children will get plenty of test taking accomplished with or without a strike.

Anonymous said…
If you do walk, please keep on walking!

Rusty WEA
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if they will try to tack an additional day to the end of the school year if the SPS teachers do strike for a day?

I'm not sure I support a strike by teachers, even for this important message. Our ELL school families will be greatly impacted.

--NE mom
Anonymous said…
Can they strike on June 15th? That's the day I plan to strike (vacation) as a parent.
Anonymous said…
BP, I like your thinking! I also plan to strike on MONDAY, June 15. What on earth was SPS thinking by having our last day of school on a Monday?!!?

--NE mom
mirmac1 said…
Knapp being Knapp; trying to play it both ways.
Anonymous said…
I have heard that if there is a one-day walk-out, the day will be made up at the end of the school year.

Anonymous said…
"The walkout will happen in mid to late May. About the testing schedule, testing has been going on from March and will not end until June so not to worry. I'm sure your children will get plenty of test taking accomplished with or without a strike."

Not all assessments are alike. Students work for two years on their IB diploma. They cannot earn their IB diploma if they don't sit for one of their assessments. The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) sets the schedule worldwide for all IB students. There aren't make-ups in IB.

IB students at Ingraham, Sealth and Rainier Beach will, I believe, sit for their exams, the walkout notwithstanding.

The vote to consider a walkout was taken without consideration of IB schedules, which was (I'm putting this kindly) an unfortunate oversight.

David Edelman
Love To Teach said…
I'm a teacher & parent in SPS. It's an unfortunate oversight that schools STATEWIDE are underfunded. Comments about inconsideration and inconvenience are short sighted. All kids are missing out. All of them.
n said…
@Love to Teach: yes, I guess a strike isn't intended to inconvenience anyone...

But I also don't know what a strike would accomplish. One day? Probably not supported with solidarity? Like a whimper in the wilderness.

How I wish Eric had won that election. He was simply smarter and we need smart these days - in every area of the public sector.
Anonymous said…
I don't think it's short-sighted of me to care about the hard work that my students have been doing for two years to earn an IB diploma. I don't think it's short-sighted of me to care about that work being jeopardized by an irresponsible union action.

If IB diplomas are in any way jeopardized by a walkout, large numbers of parents will turn against the SEA. I wouldn't blame them.

Other districts are walking out this week. But the feckless SEA leadership somehow can't get it together enough to plan a walkout before mid- or late-May, when the legislature's decision on funding may already be a fait accompli. This would make a walkout a mere gesture of futility.

One day I would love to see union leadership that actually knows how to strategize.

David Edelman
David makes many good points especially about the Legislature probably being done by mid-May.
Anonymous said…
David Edelman, you are exactly the kind of educator the district is lucky to have, and the one I would gladly stand behind if these things were done properly. I wholeheartedly agree with what you've written, and only wish more of your colleagues viewed this in the same light.

--NE mom
Anonymous said…
There is absolutely a vote happening over the next week in each of the buildings. Then an imminent vote by the board based on those results.

-Correct on the facts.
Anonymous said…
Walkout, no problem. Have Steve Litzow skype into the rooms and he can cover the entire district.


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