Mythbuster on Learning by Doing

A reader talked recently about the robotics program at Ingraham but whether it's robotics or shop or the arts, Adam Savage is right.  Kids learn from doing.


Unknown said…
A reader talked recently about the robotics program at Ingraham but whether it's robotics or shop or the arts, Adam Savage is right.

Lahore Board 9th Class Result 2015
Catherine said…
Adam Savage right... over a century of educational results make it clear that hands on is a vital component of learning. But today we have a bunch of consultants talking in the ear of elected leaders saying "there's no evidence" of that. SMH
Helen said…
There must be something else to discuss aside from school testing. What more is there to say? There are other things happening in the district.
Helen, I'm sorry you missed the Friday Open Thread where several other issues were discussed. Or the story on state funding and local levy money. Or the story on naming the Wilson-Pacific building.

But this forum is NOT just about the district. The national attention on public education has forced us to look beyond our boundaries because there are issues going on that affect our district.

For now, those two big outside issues are ESEA (NCLB which includes assessments) and opting out of testing going on right now.
n said…
I've always believed that the hands teach the brain. No, I've no proof but I didn't coin the phrase either. Especially for our young students who are still in concrete learning mode and that is provable.

Also, several students in my classroom have been getting a little sick and visiting the nurse frequently. We adults finally talked about it and it turns out they are hungry. They didn't know it was hunger. They just knew they were feeling sick. Sometimes before and sometimes after lunch. Well, we decided to try feeding them before lunch when they felt sick and after lunch when they felt sick and guess what? They were no longer sick.

Lunch for my primary kids is late. They are hungry. The kids who felt sick after lunch simply weren't eating their lunch. They were headed to recess . . .

This actually happened. I don't know when administrators parted ways with educational decisions that were based on the best interests of kids. But it has happened. And I don't see it changing any time soon.
Anonymous said…
Why is testing such a prominent topic? Because, that's pretty much all schools are doing now until the end of the year. And, that's all we've been doing for a month. Yesterday, our secondary school math teachers spent the day teaching the SBAC equation editor. Not the the test, not math, not anything that will be on the test, and not test taking strategies, but the computer interface. Eg. How to represent fractions, exponents, mathematical symbols in the SBAC editor. More obscure, how to create graphs and delete various graphical items. Teachers also pointed out salient editor functionality relevant to the test, like a calculator icon, and a well hidden delete button. Since all of the school's computers are already being used for testing, no computers were available for this editor instruction. Instead, teachers had to lecture and demonstrate with the overhead projector... on how to use the SBAC editor. Next up, SBAC practice. Of course, students could just as easily do this at home if they have a computer and internet access. And finally, the big moment, the actual SBAC, which will take about a week per test.

Reality Check

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