Washington State DFER Creates a PAC

The Washington State chapter of Democrats for Education Reform has created a PAC and registered it with the Public Disclosure Commission.  Oh, and they dropped $100,000 into it.

Will be interesting what (and who) they spend it on.


Anonymous said…
My guess is they've got an Ed Deform candidate in mind for State Supe. Plus a couple of School Board spots.....

Anonymous said…
and WHERE did their 100k come from? The tooth fairy? Gate$? Walton$? Koch$? ...

seattle citizen said…
I just went on their site to see what I could see. Nothing about where they got the 100k, but hey, Chris Ride (Teachers United) is on their board of advisors, and HE'S Gates-funded. Maybe he shares. Steve Sundguist, ex-SPS Board Director and current WA Charter School Commission Prez is also on DFER's board of advisors. What a surprise.
mirmac1 said…
AAaaawww, democracy in action. Isn't it wonderful.
dan dempsey said…
So where is that constitutional amendment limiting political donations? .... or a continued bye bye to any hint of democracy.
Anonymous said…
What is this year 3 or 4 in WA? They should have just started out as a PAC. Their 'heart' is in legislative lobbying and getting the 'right' democratic politicians - see Cuomo in NY - into office. Not like they're hosting community potlucks or informational nights.

It's always a Race to the Bottom on whether Stand on the Children or DFER has taken the lead in smarminess. Today it's DFER by a nose - which I am holding.

Anonymous said…
Here you go:

Think Tanks: How a Bill [Gates Agenda] Becomes a Law


Anonymous said…
If this was about Republicans forming a PAC to lobby for the same ed reform goals, there would be a gazillion posts by now describing how evil they are.

Charlie Mas said…
Fairness, are you actually asking for repetitive comments?
mirmac1 said…
DFER and some republicans are synonymous.
Update said…
Chris Eide left Teachers United in November 2014. He is teaching at University of Washington.

Anonymous said…
Hillary Clinton needs to get her act together - and start distancing herself from Arne, and SBAC. When those results come out, there's going to be a lot of hopping mad parents. And there's not going to be a lot of Atta-girls going Hillary's way on that issue. I for one, am not looking kindly at the DFER, neoliberals who support this crap.

Democrats need to get their S$$T together and re-establish themselves as the party for education. Not the party for Common Core or SBAC.

Fairness, I make no apology for being a liberal. I am deeply distressed over how public education issues divide Democrats and I am with Reader - Mrs. Clinton needs to get on the good foot as far as public ed issues.

I would not classify many people - in either party - as "evil." (But yes, there are a few.)

My posting of this thread IS to call out DFER on this. It was not meant to applaud them.

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