Banda Reviews
From the Orange County Register, a yawner of a story on the hiring of Banda. Their loss, our gain. From the Seattle Times, coverage of Banda's selection. Highlights: Banda plans to spend his first year on the job, getting to know the city and the district without making major changes. Some of the reporters at the press conference seemed startled at this but Goodloe-Johnson did a lot of the same with touring schools and doing assessments of various departments. I cannot see anyone coming in and wholesale changing things. Sharon Peaslee said the Board did want to change things that are working in our schools but wanted to address those issues that are still of concern. Marty McLaren named Special Education for one. In choosing Banda over the only remaining finalist, Sandra Husk, board members opted for a low-key leader with a reputation for relationship-building. Board members said they chose him because they believe he can unite the community behind a collaborativ