Do We Have Drop-Out?

Can't say which candidate but there's talk out there from credible sources that one superintendent candidate may have dropped out. Details as I get someone to go on the record.


Annie said…
Do tell.....
Anonymous said…
Page refresh......repeat.
Anonymous said…
I hope it is Husk.

Anonymous said…
Salem-Keizer School District leader Sandy Husk up for two jobs

No new news, but very tight-lipped about the second position.

-the suspense is killin' me
dan dempsey said…
How much longer will this circus be in town?

SPS should sell circus tickets to raise revenue for schools.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Husk is seeing she doesn't have the support of the parents and chose the other offer.

Kate Martin said…
I sure hope we're not doing a deja vu where everyone but the worst candidate drops out. Yikes.
Jack Whelan said…
I wrote to the board asking them to take consideration of Husk off the table since she will clearly be divisive at a time when we need to heal. It shouldn't be a tough call since there are two very capable people to choose instead of her.

I have no idea whether that's a message that resonates with folks like Sherry, Kay, Michael, or Harrium, but it seems to me to be a no-brainer unless you are so ideologically blinkered (or vulnerable to pressure from the ideologically blinkered) that you cannot see your way to a choice that is truly in best interests of the entire SPS community.

And if it turns out that Husk has dropped out, maybe it's the conclusion that Husk herself came to. Perhaps Husk spoke with Enfield, a kindred spirit, and came to see, as Enfield apparently did, that the match here wasn't good for her. There are plenty of districts that would embrace her m.o. Why pick one where there is so much resistance to it? The job is hard enough.

Just speculation, or is it rather wishful thinking. We'll see.
Anonymous said…
The Times is reporting Enoch has dropped out. Rats!

Anonymous said…
Say it isn't so. The experience that comes with age was truly an asset.
Watching said…
Disappointed Enoch dropped out.
Anonymous said…

Someone said…
Wow - respect his decision, but disagree that what SPS needs is someone "younger" - his wisdom and experience were very very much what is needed right now - sighhhh
Anonymous said…
If true, this is a real blow for special education. Neither of the other candidates showed a track record for special education --Husk was especially disconcerting-- and so they would defer to people here for the "how to" just like Enfield and Thompson have been doing. The waving of arms. So the rut will only get deeper for special education.

The board has not been diligent for special education in this search.

Dismayed parent
Anonymous said…
Well it makes sense to get the strongest contender out of the way to bring Husk in. So we'll get Husk who's the #1 choice of politicians and the power that be. The justification by the Board, Rep. Carlyle, and Councilman Burgess will be the district needs someone with experience. We'll get back to the usual politics, educational gimmicks, and $1Billion+ levy to perpetuate SPS dysfunction and more job security for all our education lobbyists.

-no dawn in sight
dw said…
Anyone else as mistrustful as me to think he was perhaps pressured (bribed?) by influential people?

I realize how this "conspiracy theory" this sounds, but the situation is so dreadful and Husk looks so much like a total MGJ repeat that I don't have words to express my disappointment right now.
Nope, Enoch saw the process was corrupted (or a sham, take your pick) and bowed out of it.
dw said…
I suppose your version makes more sense. But I don't think the two theories as far from each other as one might think. Same players, same M.O., same outcome, your version is just managed through indirect means while what I suggested is direct and blunt.

Either way, this situation got ugly very quickly.

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