Growth Boundaries - Amendments 8-10

Amendment #8 - Patu - no changes to District 7 boundaries and to reassess the boundaries - PASSES

 DeBell - nobody fights harder for their district than Betty Patu.  That said, you reference District #7 which is based on voting precincts, are there issues there with attendance area boundaries?
Patu - no, I don't think so.
Libros - it might be clearer if it says Mercer/Aki Kurose services areas
Discussion over the exact area named.
Peaslee - impact on Dearborn Park?
Smith-Blum - none
Carr - don't understand what is being proposed, what would this undo for staff proposal?
Libros - for 2014-2015, none.  Beacon Hill would be 541 students, too big, Maple 559, also too big.  But further down the line.
Carr -just for next year
Smith-Blum - correct
Libros - not sure - two amendments, one included no changes for 5-year horizon and other was for one year.  If this passes, then it would be part of main motion and question is, does that entire main motion doesn't happen?  Where is the starting point?
DeBell - collaborate with communities for five-year planning but I thought that was withdrawn
Martin-Morris - want to understand, a gray zone.  Not doing anything in those two attendance areas anyway?
Libros - correct.
M-M - question is, why do I need this then?
Peaslee - my understand is that this is saying because we didn't engage with communities now, we spend 2014-2015 doing so.
Smith-Blum - the point is that there were many elementary changes (small boundary changes) and Patu says to not do those.
Libros - there are none proposed for implementation for 2014-2015, there were for later one.
Smith-Blum - I stand corrected.
Libros - if Dearborn Park was to become Option School, then yes changes.
Smith-Blum - oh, that's what it was
Patu - no changes? not for Kimble
Libros - none whatsoever with Dearborn Park amendment now for next year.
McLaren - look at both versions and see some planning horizon mentioned in both.
Libros - Betty may have been thinking of the possibility of adding APP services at Wing Luke and Aki Kurose.

Vote - 7-0 (sounds like a few people are a little unsure but it passes.)

Amendment #9 - Patu - since there are no changes, it was removed
Amendment #10 was removed earlier (no changes to APP pathways in district 7)


JvA said…
Quick thanks to all the district watchdog veterans who have been giving us advice on helping ensure the Southeast has a chance to be heard. I appreciate all your mails, texts, and phone calls.

Thanks also to everyone who has personally given me words of encouragement at all these meetings. I'm brand-new to this, and it can be a little stressful talking about sensitive issues without big groups of T-shirts and signs behind you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindness and encouragement.

I think now the work really starts. We'll be working with Betty Patu to get the word out to ALL the schools in the SE. I would continue to appreciate any advice on that front. I imagine we'll be starting with the SESEC and Seattle Council PTSA. But if anyone knows any contacts in the lower SE schools especially (Dunlap, Rainier View, Emerson, Van Asselt, Wing Luke) -- please let me know. Contact info at my midbeaconhill blog. Thank you!
mirmac1 said…
Ya done good, JvA

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