Seattle Schools This Week

To note: KIRO-tv (channel 7) will be running a two-part series on district spending on Monday and Tuesday. 

Monday, November 11th
No school in honor of Veteran's Day

Tuesday, November 12th
Road Map to College event, 2:30-5:30 pm at Ingraham High School

Wednesday, November 13th
Quite the important and jam-packed day.

Executive Committee Meeting, 8:30-10:00 am. Agenda.  Given what has been on the agenda in the last couple of Board meetings, it will be interesting to see what is placed on the upcoming Board meetings.  They will also be discussing what is on the Board Retreat that is coming up in early December.

State of the District address by Superintendent Banda  
Updated: This presentation, which includes highlights of the District Scorecard and individual School Reports, will be from 4-4:30 p.m. in the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence auditorium, 2445 3rd Ave. S.

Work Session: District Scorecard/Operations Data Dashboard from 4:30-5:30 p.m.  Seemingly a follow-up to the Superintendent's remarks.  Agenda.
SPS District Scorecard. Operations Data Dashboard.  Interesting data here.

Work Session: Growth Boundaries from 5:30-7:30 pm.  This is big because it will be the first viewing of Director amendments to the plan and the discussion around it.  If you can only attend one meeting, this one is it.  The agenda has no presentation attached (and I doubt it will until Wednesday but I will put it up as it becomes available.)

Thursday, November 14th
Audit&Finance Committee Meeting from 4:00-6:00 pm.  Agenda not yet available.

Saturday, November 16th
See it. Be it. Explore your future career.  Career fair for middle and high school students at City Hall from 10 am to 1 pm. 

Community Meeting with Director DeBell (this is his last one so if you go, please say thank you for his service) from 9 am to 11 am at Caffe Appassionato near Fisherman's Terminal.

Community Meeting with Director Martin-Morris, TBD.  (His old place for meetings is closed and he mentioned at the Board meeting that he was seeking a new location.)

For the calendar, Saturday, November 23rd, Family Symposium at Garfield High School from 10 am to 2 pm.  There will be workshops on literacy/math, arts, early childhood learning, Special Ed, ELL, Career and Technical, college-bound with activities for kids, transportation and interpreters, free breakfast and lunch, resource fair.  For more info, 252-0693.



"Sacajawea Elementary School, 9501 20th Ave. N.E.
Nov 14, 6:30pm - Nov 14, 8:00pm
Seattle Public Schools board member “Sherry Carr will come to Sacajawea Elementary next Thursday, Nov. 14th, at 6:30 p.m., in the library. She considers Sacajawea a priority in the changes that take effect next year."

Last time she went to Sacajawea was during the BEX discussions. She brought no value to the conversation so I have a low expectation this time.
Anonymous said…
The Operations Dashboard and the District Scorecard could not be less illuminating about the state of special education in SPS including the family experience. These high level summaries are useless.

What about including sped in the school climate survey? That is a great way to see where schools are getting it right for families, students and teachers.


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